“It isn’t, is it?”
Christian stands up and shakes his head. “Not in the slightest, Maximus is comfortable with all of us being in a relationship with you and it doesn’t bother him what anyone else says.”
I smile as I look up at Maximus’s corner as the bell rings for the next round. He stands up and winks at me before heading back into the ring.
Two more rounds pass with just as much blood, but even I’m seeing his opponent is getting tired. But to me, Maximus is looking just as tired too. The guys ensure me he’s okay, but I’m starting to see it in their eyes and hear it as they shout at him, they are worried for their brother.
Christian stays with the ring team after the eighth round, and by the end of the tenth, he’s screaming at the team. I have no idea what he’s saying, but he isn’t happy. He climbs into the ring himself and holds Maximus’s face as he speaks to him. Maximus keeps shaking his head but Christian won’t let go as he forces Maximus to look at him.
By now Sean has his arm around my shoulders and I’m curled up against his side. None of us is even attempting to sit between rounds, we’re too on edge.
Jason watches the exchange between Christian and Maximus and looks at Sean.
“Stay with her, if the worst happens give her to Layton,” he orders before walking to the ring. I spot Layton walking closer and giving Jason a nod as he stops beside us.
“What does he mean by ‘if the worst happens’?”
Sean looks from his brothers to me, and I can see the answer in his eyes.
“Stop the fight,” I demand but Sean shakes his head as he pulls me against him.
“Maximus won’t let them,” he says into my hair. I hear the bell ring for the next round and look to see Maximus heading into the centre as his brothers watch from the side.
As soon as the fight starts the guy in red lands a kick to Maximus’s chest and he goes down. The guy wastes no time jumping on to him and they start wrestling, I can’t watch anymore. I bury my head in Sean’s chest as a sob burst from my throat. Sean runs a hand over my head and holds me as he yells at his brother to get off the floor. A few times I try to look but Sean holds me tighter, stopping me from moving and I start to shake violently.
The noise around us has become more and more sombre as the fight has progressed, now less than half are cheering, or shouting as they watch the two getting tired and weaker. I’m about to ask Sean what’s happening when he curses loudly, seconds before the room erupts.
I peek from Sean’s chest to the ring and spin around to see Maximus on top of the other guy punching him as if his life depended on it, he growls and screams as he pummels the guy who has his arms up but isn’t fighting back. Maximus stands up and pulls the guy to his feet before attacking him again. He has him up against the ropes but they are all that’s holding the guy up. I start screaming for Maximus to finish him with Sean, I don’t look anywhere but the ring. Suddenly a white towel flies into the ring and the ref tries to separate Maximus from the guy, but he’s in attack mode. Christian and Jason jump into the ring and grab their brother dragging him away as he tries to get back to his opponent.
“I’m going to fucking kill him!” Maximus screams as he fights against Christian and Jason. Another member of the ring team takes Christian’s place and Christian stands in front of him with his hand over his chest. He says something and Maximus’s eyes snap to me. My knees nearly buckle under the intensity of his stare. Everything from the ring and arena fades and all I can see is Maximus’s face. He stops fighting against the guys and shrugs them off before climbing out of the ring and heading straight for me.
I step out of Sean’s arms and rush to Maximus as tears stream down my face. I throw my arms around his neck as he picks me up in a bear hug.
“I fucking love you, shorty,” Maximus says into my ear. I look into his swollen eyes as I chuckle through the tears.
“I love you too, Daddy.”
Maximus’s lips find mine and he kisses me, split lip and all.
Jasmine is laying down at the back of the limo with her head on Sean’s lap and Jason’s jacket over her. We are all exhausted and just want to get home. The fight ended two hours ago and it’s just gone three in the morning.
Maximus has been checked out by doctors; he has a broken nose, two black eyes from it, a split lip, cheek and brow as well as bruised and a possible fractured rib. Maximus is refusing to get x-rayed and insists he’s fine. The doctor knows better than to argue with him as he gave him a ton of painkillers and told me to call him if Maximus becomes unwell or shows signs of concussion.
“Is she asleep?” I ask quietly.
“Seems to be,” Sean replies nodding.
“She handled tonight far better than I thought she would,” Jason says from the other side of me.
“When she flipped that prick off, I thought he was going to lose his shit,” Maximus chuckles, before hissing in pain.
“I was always worried she was too pure for our world, but she certainly managed just fine tonight,” I admit as I watch her sleep for a few seconds longer.