When I wake up at midday, I find myself alone. I listen out for Jason, but the room is silent. I get out of bed and pull on my shorts that are discarded on the floor, making a mental note to replace the underwear set Jason had cut off me last night.
After taking care of some personal business I make my way onto the landing to see if Jason is in his room, but when I open his door I find it empty. I decide to head into the kitchen to make myself a coffee before trying to find him. I feel I will need something to wake me up a bit before the others get home.
Just as I’m reaching the kitchen door, I hear raised voices coming from inside and freeze when I hear Jason.
“I don’t give a fuck, you are not giving her shit for being a typical twenty-year-old. She didn’t do anything wrong.”
“She was so drunk she staggered when she got out of the car. She should know better than to get into that kind of state,” Maximus growls.
“So what?” Jason exclaims. “I’ve had to carry your ass to bed more times than I can fucking count! She walked into the house unaided, she was home before midnight, she was able to hold a conversation with all four of us and made sure her security was close by the whole night. She did nothing wrong!”
“Yet you felt the need to come back in the middle of the night and discipline her,” Sean adds. I feel my stomach erupt with a million butterflies as I remember how Jason tied me up when I was asleep and stimulated every part of my body before allowing me to orgasm. It was horrible and amazing all at the same time. Fuck I’m getting wet just thinking about it.
“That was for a different reason. She hinted she was going to touch herself, I told her to wait until I got home. I was already on my way home to wake her up and surprise her, but she did it anyway.”
“So, the fact that we all go away for a night, and she takes the opportunity to get smashed doesn’t mean anything?” Maximus asks.
“It was a simple mistake. She didn’t go out of her way to get drunk. She realised she’d had one too many and made the sensible decision to come home rather than stay out with her friends,” Jason argues before letting out a sigh. “Look I get it okay, you two saw her that night when she was so drunk, she couldn’t stand. I know it scared you. Christian, I know all you want to do is protect her, but if you all keep stopping her from living her life, she’s going to resent us. Before she moved in here, she didn’t have to answer to anyone. It’s been a long time since someone told her no like we do. But we didn’t agree to be her daddies to stop her from living, we did it to guide her in the right direction. Last night showed that it’s working. I for one am proud of the fact she listened to the rules and did as she was told. She could have easily thought fuck it and stayed out and carried on drinking, but she didn’t.”
I hear Jason sigh again and can almost see him rubbing his face like he does when he’s had enough.
“Before you have a go at her, just do me one favour and ask if she had a good night. Because I can guarantee none of you did last night. I’ve watched back the CCTV footage and when she got out of that car, she was smiling from ear to ear and looked so carefree. The moment she answered the phone to whichever one of you it was that light went out. By the time she was in her room, she looked deflated. Is that what you want for her? Because it sure as hell isn’t what I want. If you do then I suggest changing or walking away. We all fell in love with the light Jasmine brought into our lives, I never want her to lose that side of her and I sure as hell don’t want to be the reason it gets stubbed out.”
I take a deep breath and walk into the kitchen, where all four guys are standing around the breakfast bar, they all turn to look at me as I enter.
“Morning,” I say quietly as I play with the bottom of Jason’s shirt I’m still wearing and let out a sigh. “I heard you arguing, and I hate that I caused that,” I admit as I look at them.
“We weren’t arguing,” Maximus sighs.
“Yes, you were and it’s because I went out last night, and I know you want me to say I’m sorry, but I’m not.” I stand a little taller as I look at them all. “I had fun, I laughed, and I enjoyed myself knowing all my coursework is up to date. It wouldn’t have been so easy to relax if you guys hadn’t pushed me to get on top of it all, so thank you. I stuck to the rules, and I kept Layton informed of every bar I went in, I didn’t leave until I knew he was in a position to follow me. I asked Mrs Brown to make me dinner before I went out and I made sure to eat it all. As soon as I realised I was drunk, I came home. Old me would have kept drinking and not cared how smashed I was. But I did, because I didn’t want to disappoint you guys.” I look down at the floor to hide that my eyes are filling with tears.
“I hate it when I disappoint you, I always have done. I never cared what anyone thought of me before you four and knowing that I caused you guys to argue and feel disappointed in me sucks.”
I stay looking down unable to face the four men that mean the absolute world to me. I hear footsteps getting closer and can smell Christians aftershave as he comes to a stop in front of me.
“Look at me, baby girl.”
I slowly lift my head and look him in the eye as mine fills with tears.
“I’m sorry. You and Jason are right, I was too hard on you last night. My fear of anything happening to you makes me overprotective which makes life difficult for you and that’s the last thing I want. I know I’m strict and I will try and work on that.”
“I don’t want you to change, not one bit,” I admit. Christian frowns at me and I offer him a small smile. “I like the new slightly more sensible me. I liked waking up and not feeling like death this morning, or worrying about the time I lost which should have been spent studying. My grades are up and that’s all thanks to you guys, not me.” I look over at the twins and offer them a small smile. “You have taught me to know my limits in the bedroom, which has taught me to know them outside of it. I knew I had hit my limit last night and came home.” I step closer to Christian and wrap my arms around his waist. I feel him letting out a deep breath as he holds me and kisses the top of my head.
“I’m proud of you shorty, I’m sorry for killing your buzz. I guess I was a little drunk and panicked when I knew you were too, and no one was here to look after you. I promise not to be such a killjoy again.” I walk up to Maximus and hug him.
“Thank you,” I whisper before looking up at him. “I hope there weren’t any strippers at this stag do?” I ask, not missing the look Maximus and Sean share. I step out of his arms and place my hands on my hips. “Were there strippers?” I demand.
“We didn’t have a say in it, princess. It was organised by the best man,” Sean explains nervously.
“So if I went to a hen do and there were strippers that would be okay?”
“Hell no!” the twins protest together.
“But it’s fine for you? Like it was fine for you to get drunk and not me!” I yell as I turn my back to them, throwing a smirk at Jason as the twins splutter excuses behind me. “Bet they had a wank when they got back too,” I add with a raised brow. I turn to head for the kitchen door. “So many double standards and you all say I’m hard work,” I declare as I hold the door open and look over my shoulder throwing them all a wink knowing they will see. Christian stares at me for a moment before a face-splitting grin appears and he charges towards me. I squeal as I rush forward hearing the others laughing behind him. I turn around and jog backwards to find all four grinning at me as they stalk forward.