“I’m not letting you go, baby girl. Not now, not ever.”



Christian holds me the whole way home. He doesn’t say or do anything other than occasionally run his hand up and down my leg as if reassuring me that he’s there. But the words my mother snarled at me before we left keep going around in my head, the same thing that I’d been scared of since the day I met the guys. One day they will leave me, and I’ll have no one.

We park up in the garage and Jason opens the door so Christian can climb out with me still in his arms. He carries me through the door that leads into the large kitchen where Sean and Maximus are both drinking coffee. They look up and I force myself to look away not wanting to see their faces.

“What happened?” I hear them both ask as the sound of the chairs scraping across the floor fills the air. Christian places me on a chair and squats down in front of me.

“We are going to talk, all five of us. We will discuss what just happened whilst you eat some lunch,” he says forcing me to look at him.

“I’m not hungry,” I whisper, but it just earns me a raised brow.

“I didn’t ask if you were, you will eat if we tell you to eat. You will learn to do as you are told,” he warns. I frown as I look at him.


“Because we know what is best for you and we will look after you and all your needs. That includes making sure you eat and look after yourself. Unlike what your mother just stated, you are wanted and loved, and the four of us will prove that to you every day until you believe us. We certainly will not 'kick you to the kerb’. You are stuck with us if you like it or not. We are no longer your stepbrothers, we are going to be your Daddies and will always put your well-being above all else.”

I look into his blue eyes confused. "What does that even mean?”

Jason takes Christian’s place as he cups my cheek and looks at me with his soft grey eyes.

“It means you need to trust us to do right by you, and to push you to achieve all you can. But as I warned, you need to learn to do as you are told and not to fight us. Everything we do is for you, not us.” Jason takes hold of my hands and cups them in his.

“You no longer need to worry about anything, Jazzy. Not where the next payment for school is coming from, rent, or your next meal. We will take over all of that. We’ll make your decisions for you and look after you like you should have been looked after your whole life,” he explains further.

“But we will be in a relationship?” I ask frowning. Jason smiles at me as he nods.

“Nothing could make us give you up. I know it's a lot to take in, but this is what you need, you need someone to take care of you and there are four of us more than happy to give you the best of everything. You have to just let us and not fight it. Trust us to know what you need whether it’s with your life or in the bedroom,youare what’s important. You don’t look after yourself properly, because you have never been shown how, let us do that, let us help you.”

I look from Jason to Christian and then the twins behind him. All four men together in front of me saying they want to look after me, protect me and all I have to give back is my trust. My inner voice is begging me to protect myself, to realise that there is no way they would all pick me forever. But they have shown me over and over again that I’m important to them, they have had so many chances to run, but they are still here. They are the only ones that have stuck by me since my grandparents died. I look up at Christian and start chewing on my bottom lip.

“Okay,” I whisper. Christian’s face softens as he walks up to me and pulls me up onto my feet before wrapping his arms around me.

“You finally ready to be ours, baby girl? Are you going to let the four of us look after all your needs?”

I look into his eyes and nod nervously.

“Remember what I said about using your words sweetheart.Alwaysuse your words with us, it’s important,” he warns. I quickly swallow and look into his eyes.

“I want to be all of yours,” I reply as I look from Christian’s chest and see Maximus, Sean and Jason smiling at me. Maximus walks up to me and leans in to press his lips to mine. I feel Christian’s hold on me loosen as Maximus pulls me into his arms and deepens the kiss. I feel the second pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind and as I feel lips against my neck I groan, knowing it’s Sean behind me. Maximus moves his lips until he is on the opposite side of my neck to his brother. As they kiss my neck and shoulders Jason smiles at me before leaning around his brothers and kissing me.

“You ready for us to make you ours?” he asks.

“Please,” I gasp as a hand land between my legs and squeezes my hot wet wanting pussy.

“Let’s take this to your room angel,” Jason grins as his brothers let me go and Jason picks me up in his arms before carrying me out of the kitchen and heading straight to my room.

As soon as we are in the room he places me on my feet next to the bed and kisses me before stepping back grinning.

“Take your clothes off angel, let us see you.”

I don’t stop to think, I instantly do as he asks, as the four of them watch me. I can’t miss the way their eyes burn into my skin, heating everywhere they land. I find myself chewing on my lip as the intensity of their hungry eyes causes my stomach to knot and my pussy to flood.

“Lie down in the middle of the bed baby girl, and place your hands above your head.”