Page 79 of Stepbrothers

“Really? Why?”

“Some opinionated friend put ideas into her head that what we had going on was sick and depraved. That she shouldn’t be here, that she shouldn’t have anything to do with us.”

A tremble tapped up Clarice’s spine and snaked over her head. Wendy’s reaction had stung and shocked her. It still did.

“Ah, I see.” Parker came closer. “And so she decided to leave. I saw her bag in the hallway.”

“It needs unpacking,” Hugh said.

“Baby girl.” Parker was at her side now. “What were you thinking?”

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I’m really sorry.”

“I can see that you are.” He kissed her bare shoulder, his lips lingering, then ran his hand down the gutter of her spine to her butt. “I can also see that you’ve been thoroughly spanked. You have the reddest bottom I have ever witnessed. It must be sore.”

She sniffed and nodded as he ran his palm over her smarting buttocks.

“All because you wanted to leave? Didn’t you think speaking to us would be the first port of call?”

“I know I should have. Wendy was just so—”

“Wendy.” Parker sighed and continued to gently stroke her ass. “I should have known.”

“Explain,” Hugh said roughly. “Who is Wendy?”

“I met her briefly when I was out having pizza with Clarice,” Parker said. “She’s been texting me for days, filthy texts, telling me exactly what she wants me to do to her. The girl is off the rails, far too brazen, far too forward. And she doesn’t take no for an answer.”

“She’s messaged you lots?” Clarice asked.

“Yes. A ridiculous amount.” Parker ran his hand up to Clarice’s shoulder and pulled her hair back from where it was hanging forward. “And I couldn’t be less interested because I just want to be with you. I only want to see you happy and thriving, Clarice.”

Clarice managed a tight smile despite her shock at what Wendy had been doing.

Parker kissed her shoulder again, then, “She’s cold, Hugh, this is enough.”

“I don’t think you would be giving her any sympathy if you’d been the one to drag her from the lift and then be accused of abduction.”

“I don’t get you?” Parker said. “Abduction?”

“That tall guy from the apartment opposite challenged me. You know, the one who is always on the treadmill at the gym downstairs.”

“With yellow trainers.”

“That’s the one. Asked me why I had a screaming, kicking woman over my shoulder.”

“Oh dear.” Parker chuckled and turned Clarice to face him. “You really did make it worse for yourself, didn’t you.” His gaze dipped to her breasts.

Her nipples prickled. “I’m sorry. Really I am.”

He lifted his attention, and for a moment, he studied her eyes. “You won’t try and disappear on us again, will you?”

“No.” She swallowed and shook her head. “I won’t.”

“If you want to move out you can, of course you can, but we discuss it first, okay, help you find somewhere decent to live.”

She nodded.

“And you won’t take any notice of Wendy and what she thinks of us. She doesn’t understand, and if she did, she’d be jealous.”