Nothing would ever be the same again.
Chapter Fourteen
“Fuck, that was hot,” Hugh said. He flopped onto his back and folded his bent arm over his brow. His cheeks were flushed, and he was breathing hard.
“Oh. My. God.” Clarice was panting. “That was highly inappropriate of us… but jeez, it was good.”
“Why inappropriate?” Parker asked, also flopping to his back and breathing fast.
Clarice rolled over, her head between theirs on the pillows. She stared at the white ceiling. “I’m sure it’s not the norm for stepbrothers to fuck their stepsister, and especially not both at the same time.” She squeezed her legs together, enjoying the tremble in her pussy and the delicious sensation of absolute satisfaction.
“Are you complaining?” Hugh asked.
“Hell no.” She laughed. “I hope we do it again.”
Parker reached for her hand and kissed her knuckles. “You bet we will, and more.”
For a few minutes they were quiet, the sound of her pulse all she could hear.
“We should eat,” Hugh said after a while. “I have to go to the station soon.”
“Five more minutes,” Clarice said, reaching for the duvet to cover her cooling skin.
“You stay here, baby.” Parker kissed her forehead. “We’ll sort out dinner.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.”
She smiled and closed her eyes, snuggled down for a blissful rest.
When she woke, the scent of garlic and onions filled the air. The rich herby scent had her stomach rumbling, so she showered and put on her pajamas.
“Smells good,” she said, wandering into the kitchen. London was darkening, the sky a wash of lilac, pink, and purple. A ring of cloud wreathed the peak of The Shard.
Parker was sipping from a glass of red wine, his navy-blue sweats hanging low on his hips and his torso bare.
Hugh was stirring a large steaming pot. “I hope you like Bolognaise.”
“Love it.” She smiled and poured a glass of water.
“You slept for an hour.” Parker raised his eyebrows at her. “You feel okay?”
“Yes, fine.”
He nodded at her vitamins which were on the counter. “You have been taking them, right?”
“Of course, but they will take weeks to make a difference.”
Hugh stopped stirring and studied her. “Make sure you do take them. Your health comes first, and you have to take responsibility for that.”
She resisted scowling at him. “I know.”
His jaw tensed for a second, then, “Right, this is ready, let’s serve.”
Clarice spent the rest of the week on a high. Even Derek couldn’t get her down. Her heart beat faster whenever she thought of Hugh and Parker, and when she remembered their time all together in bed, she got a lovely, sexy, fuzzy feeling.
Saturday afternoon came around. Hugh was asleep. He’d had a busy night shift. Parker had gone to play golf with clients.