Page 65 of Stepbrothers

“She was?” Parker nodded slowly. “I’m glad I haven’t missed anything.”

She drained her drink then set it on the counter at her side. “I already told you, Parker, yesterday at Pizza Express.”

“So tell me,” Hugh said, “before I have to spank it out of you.” He raised his eyebrows.

She held up her hands. “No spankings will be necessary.” She paused. “I sent off my PGCE. I should hear back very soon. So I’ve made the application date for this year’s intake.”

“That’s great news.” Hugh stepped up to her. “I didn’t think you’d do it.”

“Why not?”

“The fear of rejection is a hard one to overcome. But if you don’t try, how will you ever know what you are capable of?”

She nodded. “It’s true, I am scared of not getting a place, or even an interview. But…”

“But you will.” Parker was also at her side. He set a kiss on her cheek. “Think positive.”

She felt surrounded by them, by their big bodies, their heat, their male scent.

“And there’s no reason why you won’t.” Hugh cupped her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “You have the qualifications for the course.”

“Yes. I know.” She frowned.

“What?” Hugh asked, slipping his hand onto the small of her back. “What’s worrying you?”

“It’s not a worry, it’s just…” Saying the words would make her brothers angry, but not at her, so she blurted them out. “I just don’t know how long I can stay working for Derek. He’s getting worse every day. Today was just awful.”

A dark flash seared over Parker’s eyes. His jaw tensed. “He was an asshole when I saw him.”

“I’ll pay him a visit tomorrow,” Hugh said. “Tell him what’s what when it comes to our sister.”

“No. No. Please don’t do that.” She placed her hand on Hugh’s chest, pausing for a second when she was reminded just how solid his muscles were. “It will only make things worse. You don’t know what he’s like. He’s vindictive, sneaky, and—”

“And about to meet his match,” Parker said. “Neither Hugh nor I will stand for you being disrespected.”

“You’ll just make it worse, please.” She paused. “I shouldn’t have told you.”

“No, don’t say that. We need to know if you have a problem. How else can we help you?” Hugh bore his gaze into hers. “Promise you’ll always tell us what is worrying you.”

“Okay, yes, I promise. But leave Derek, I can handle him. I have for a long time. And let’s face it.” She held up her hand, fingers crossed. “I could soon be handing in my notice and moving on.”

“Yes.” Parker nodded. “That is what we want for you. And I’m so proud of you for taking a chance on a new career.”

“Thank you.” She touched his cheek. “And thank you for encouraging me. Both of you.”

“It did take a spanking.” Hugh ran his hand to her ass and squeezed. “If I remember right.”

She tensed her buttocks. “I certainly remember. My ass stung for two days.”

“It should,” Hugh said, his hand staying planted where it was. “It means you’ll remember what happens next time when you don’t do what you’re told.”

Her heart rate picked up. Her lungs inflated as she pulled in a deep breath. “So…”

“So?” Parker asked.

“So I’ve been a good girl and did what I was told. Now what?”

“Ah,” Parker said, a hint of a smile playing with his mouth. “You want your reward, is that it?”