Page 64 of Stepbrothers

“It’s his favorite,” the woman said. “I think we all know it off by heart.”

“I love that,” Clarice said. “What can I get you both?”

“A cappuccino please and a Fruit Shoot.”

“Coming right up.” Clarice turned to fulfill the order and thought again of the possibility of being immersed in a teacher training course in just a few weeks—lots of children in her life, new friends, new opportunities and challenges. Fun. Direction. Being tired at the end of the day because she’d achieved something.

Be positive. Manifest this. It will happen.

A sudden lightness lifted her heart. The young boy and his mother had chased a storm cloud away, and a rainbow had appeared, one she could see over and spy a bright future.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly. Derek only came out of his office once to fiddle with the till, then retreated. At home time, he checked the oat milk cartons, picking them up out of the recycling and shaking them to make sure she had used every last drop.

“Don’t be late tomorrow,” he said and pointed at her with the cafe’s key ring. “I saw your boyfriend in his flash car and I won’t have my workers distracted.”

“Distracted by having a life.” She tutted and shook her head. “And for the record, he’s not my—”

“Do I look interested?” He gestured to his fat face. “No. Not. Couldn’t care less. Now off you trot to lover boy so I can lock up.” He shook his head. “’Cause I have to do everything around here.”

“Except serve the customers,” Clarice muttered, stepping past him with her purse pulled over her shoulder. “The thing that actually makes us money.”

“What was that?”

“You heard.” She resisted flipping him a finger and headed toward the Tube. A tune popped into her head, and she hummed as she took the steps to the Victoria line instead of Northern. Her swanky new apartment awaited. As did Hugh who she hoped would be pleased when she told him she’d finally applied for her teacher’s training. She’d totally forgotten her news that morning.

“You seem pleased with yourself,” Hugh said when he let her into the apartment.

“I am pleased with myself.” She tugged off her cap and hung it on the coat rack. Added her purse next to it.

“And are you going to tell me why?” He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

“I might.” She grinned and headed to the kitchen area. “Mind if I get a cola?”

“Help yourself.” He leaned his butt against the island and watched her pour a drink. “Mi casa es tu casa.”

“That’s very generous of you.”

“It’s the truth.”

She took a sip. Enjoying the cool. The ride home had been hot. “What time is Parker due in?”

Hugh glanced at his watch. “Soon, I should think.”

“Did I hear my name?”

The front door clicked shut. Parker stood in the hallway. His sleeves were rolled up his forearms. He hung his suit jacket beside her cap and purse.

For a moment, her mind slipped back to when she’d last seen him like that with his sleeves rolled up. When he’d spanked her. Tipped her over his lap and tanned her bottom until she’d squirmed and cried.

Her buttocks tingled, and she took another sip of drink. “I was just wondering when you’d be home.”

“Now.” He walked up to the island and leaned against it, the same way his brother was.

They were so similar but not. The exact same height, same square jawline and strong nose. But Hugh’s hair was a fraction lighter and longer, plus his t-shirt was dark. Parker wore a crisp white shirt, and his short, almost-black hair was cut neatly around his brow, ears, and nape.

They both had their arms crossed and right ankle slotted over left.

Hugh tipped his head. “Clarice was just about to tell me why she’s so pleased with herself.”