Fortunately, the conversation moved on to Barbados and the wedding photos and some décor plans her mother had for Benjamin’s townhouse.
After ice cream and apple crumble, Hugh stood. “I’m sorry, folks, but I’ve got to run.”
“So soon?” Jenny frowned.
“’Fraid so. I’m on the night shift this week, and by the time I get back to the city and run a couple of errands it’ll be time for me to get to the station.”
“Well, thank you for coming, son.” Benjamin also stood and shook Hugh’s hand. “I know you’re busy with shift work. Stay safe.”
“Yes, stay safe,” Jenny added.
Hugh kissed her cheek. “I will.” He then squeezed Parker’s shoulder, a silent goodbye, then bent and kissed Clarice’s cheek.
She breathed in, absorbing his smell and enjoying the heat of his face beside hers. The kiss lingered a fraction longer than necessary, and when he straightened, she missed him already.
“See you soon,” he said, holding her eye contact for a second then turning.
It took effort not to stare at his cute ass as he walked away. She didn’t know when she would see Hugh again.
After a few minutes, Jenny stood to clear the table and make tea. Clarice, out of habit, got up to help her.
They stacked the dishwasher and waited for the kettle to boil.
“How are you getting on with your new stepbrothers?” Jenny asked, as she placed tinfoil over uneaten beef.
“Just fine?” She paused and looked at Clarice.
Her stomach clenched around her meal. “Yes. Why?”
“You’re just all similar age, I’d have thought you’d have a lot in common.”
“I suppose so.” She paused, knowing she needed to add more. “We all like living in London, going out. But they’re both busy with their jobs.”
“You’ll get to see them plenty going forward. Benjamin is very much a family man. He likes to ensure he sees his children regularly. Family first is what he says.”
“That’s nice.”
“So I’m sure it would please him very much to know you’re enjoying being part of the fold.”
“I am.” She gestured around the vast kitchen. “What’s not to enjoy?”
“I know what you mean.” Jenny grinned. “It is rather grand. What else did you do down in the garden?”
“What do you mean?”
“You were gone a while? With Parker and Hugh. I had to send Benjamin to get you all.”
“We just walked to the tree house. They showed me around. Talked about what they’d got up to as kids, playing, you know. The garden is like a park.”
“Mm, it really is.”
They carried on tidying.
Clarice filled the teapot, searching for something else to talk about. “Have you met Benjamin’s other son, Trig?”
“Yes,” Jenny said. “Briefly, just before he was deployed. He had been planning to come to the wedding, but his commanding officer cut his leave short, which he is at liberty to do apparently.”