“No, please, no more. I’m sorry.” She squeezed her eyes closed. “I’m sorry.”
“You should have thought of that,” Hugh said.
Parker cupped her chin. “Open up.”
She opened her eyes.
“Not your eyes, Clarice, open up your mouth.”
He was fiddling with the zipper on his shorts. Behind it she could see the outline of his erection.
Bloody hell. Is he really going to…?
He tugged his cock free and held it in his fist. The end was dark and glossy. Veins stood flush on his shaft.
“Clarice.” He squeezed her cheeks, forcing her to open her mouth. “If you can’t be quiet, I’ll give you something else to do with your mouth.”
She jolted forward as Hugh delivered a particularly solid slap. Her clit rubbed on the table, sending darts of need to her pussy. Parker slipped his cock between her lips.
Her mouth watered for him, and when he went deeper, she hugged his length with her tongue and sucked.
“Ah, fuck yeah.” Parker fisted her hair with his free hand. “Good girl.”
“Excellent idea,” Hugh said, pausing and running his fingers down the cleft of her buttocks. He went lower, lower still, until he found her pussy lips. “Oh, what have we here?” He paused. “You really are naughty, Clarice.”
Parker filled her mouth, and Hugh slid two fingers into her entrance. She let out a long, low groan that seeped up from her chest.
“You’re sopping wet from a spanking, little girl,” Hugh said.
“She protests but she likes it.” Parker half withdrew then eased back in. His cock was hot and hard and big. “She likes being at our mercy, being told what to do.” He was a little breathless now. “Understanding that she’s ours now. All ours. Our possession is what is turning her on.”
Clarice mumbled. She didn’t want them to punish her. And she wasn’t theirs. But she couldn’t speak, and besides, Hugh was gently finger-fucking her, and that felt damn good.
She ground onto the bench, the leather firm on her swelling clit. It became a movement that was in time with Hugh’s fingers and was thoroughly satisfying. But she wanted to come. The pressure was growing. The intensity rising.
“Bad girl.” Hugh withdrew and spanked her again. “This isn’t supposed to be fun.”
She screwed up her eyes. A tear formed and rolled down her left cheek.
Parker’s fingers tightened in her hair. Pulling the roots. Her mouth was full of him, her cheeks bulging. He drove in and out. A drip of saliva leaked onto her chin.
The sound of the spanking rang around the tree house. She wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for the rest of the day, perhaps tomorrow, too. Oh, why hadn’t she sent the form?
“Ah yeah, keep taking me,” Parker said, his cock swelling further. “Like that. Hell yeah, like that.”
Despite the discomfort, she was excited for Parker to come, to taste him, hear his pleasure.
Suddenly, Hugh stopped and released her wrists. She sensed him moving, then, “I’m gonna fuck her,” he said. “It’s what she wants, and this will remind her to follow instructions. It’s for her own good.”
A thrill went through Clarice. Perhaps she would get an orgasm.
Hugh gripped her ass cheeks in each of his hands, fingers like clamps. His cock was at her wet entrance. “Get ready, Clarice, this is going to be swift. You won’t forget our first time.”
Then in one thrusting drive, he forged into her pussy, his thick cock stretching her deliciously.
She moaned, the sound vibrating around Parker’s cock. The dense filling made her heady with longing, and she canted her hips, working her clit.
He pulled out almost instantly then drove in again. Still holding her ass cheeks.