Page 18 of Stepbrothers

“No burly boyfriend.” She grinned, enjoying the scent of Wayne’s aftershave and the twinkle in his eye. He’d be up for some fun in her room on the second floor, she was sure of it. A bit posh, a bit full of himself, but if he had a hot bod and his dick worked, she wouldn’t complain.

They stood at the side of the dance floor and watched Jenny and Benjamin dancing to Whitney Houston’s ‘I Will Always Love You’. It was the second time her mother had used the song, but Clarice figured it was best not to point that out.

Suddenly, she spotted Hugh standing directly opposite her. He wasn’t watching the first dance, he was staring at her with his arms crossed.

“Do you know Parker and Hugh well?” she asked Wayne.

“I suppose so. We’ve hung out at plenty of family occasions over the years.”

“What do you think of them?”

He chuckled. “You’re trying to suss out your new stepbrothers, right?”

“Isn’t that what everyone would do?”

“Of course.” He paused as Benjamin lifted Jenny a foot from the floor and twirled her around. “Parker works in the city, he’s focused, determined, and doesn’t take fools gladly.”

“I gathered that.”

“And Hugh, he’s always had a bit of a thing for adrenaline, I suppose that’s why he does what he does.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s been known to throw himself out of planes, off cliffs, head underground for cave diving.”



“So Parker’s not into adrenaline?”

“I wouldn’t say that, it just shows in different ways. Parker’s about making money, getting that deal over the line, outwitting the enemy, or rather, his competitor.” He paused. “Either way, Parker and Hugh want the best result even if it means taking risks, living on the edge. I guess they expect that of those around them, too. Or at least that’s what I’ve noticed.”

“I think you’ve summed it up well.” She held Hugh’s gaze, though it didn’t make her feel comfortable. It was as if he were judging her and the judgement was disapproval.

“Ah, I see, they’ve already shown their true colors, huh.”

She didn’t reply. Instead, she said, “What about the other one, Trig?”

“Trig.” He shook his head. “He’s the eldest, a combination of them both, I’d say. Though he’s notched up the adrenaline by playing with live rounds of ammunition.”

“Is he as…heavy?”

Again, Wayne chuckled. “Heavy, yeah, that’s a good way to describe all the brothers. Some would say intense, but yep, I like heavy.” He nodded at the dance floor. “Come on, let’s bust a few moves.”

Clarice didn’t have time to respond because Wayne wrapped his arm around her waist and spun her to the middle of the growing crowd.

“Oh,” she said then laughed and hung on to him.

The tempo picked up; more couples started dancing. Soon she was jigging along to Wham and enjoying the way Wayne’s attention didn’t shift from her.

Clarice, however, was fully aware of two other men. Both Parker and Hugh were standing to one side of the dance floor. Hugh still had his arms crossed. Parker’s were shoved in his pant pockets. They were watching her like hawks.

So she gave them something to watch. Spinning around, shaking her ass at Wayne, and lifting her arms in the air and hoping to hell her tits wouldn’t fall out. Or perhaps it would liven things up if they did.

“You’re hot, you know that?” Wayne said beside her ear, his arm curling around her waist again.

“Yeah, I know.” She laughed, threw back her head, and turned within his arms to face him. “Can I ask you something?”