Page 16 of Stepbrothers

“Clarice,” he said, in a hushed voice. “You might as well accept that things are going to change. We have standards in our family, standards that you will now have to adhere to because you’re going to be part of that family.”


“Yeah. For a start there’ll be no more hickeys from one-night stands.”

“Well, that’s a relief, I thought you were going to say no more one-night stands.” She laughed tightly.

His nostrils flared, and he lowered his face to hers. “That’s exactly what I mean. You’re not some whore willing to spread your legs for any faceless, nameless guy just to get off. You’re our sister, you will behave as such.”

“And if I don’t?” She gritted her teeth so tight she feared she might crack a crown. “What are you gonna do about it, bro?”

“You really want to know?”

She raised her eyebrows.

He dragged in a sharp breath. “You’ll be over my knee, bare bottom bared, and I’ll spank the hell out of your ass until you understand how serious I am,weare, about you shaping the hell up.”

He’d spoken with such conviction that a tremble went over her skin and her buttocks tingled. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“You want to try me?” He released her chin and ran his fingertips over her cheek, to her ear, then threaded his fingers in her hair and tightened them, tugging on her roots.

The possessive hold sent heat through her system and hiked up her heart rate. He was deadly serious in his threat, she could see that in his dark eyes, feel it in his dominant grip.

“And don’t think Parker is a soft touch,” he said, his face so close she could smell mint on his breath. “He’s even more of a stickler for good behavior than I am.”

“Good behavior?”

“You know what I’m talking about. Being a brat, talking about riding firemen’s poles at a family dinner, that kind of thing. It’s not acceptable to him, and he’ll have your ass reddened quicker than you can say Balthazar.”

“Neither of you are spanking my ass.” She clenched her buttocks and tried to beat down the strange thrill that had spiked through her at the thought of being over Hugh’s or Parker’s knee. Would it turn them on to have her in that position? Was that why it was being threatened? Did they want to spank her? Were they kinky? Would she like it, too?

“Whether or not you get a spanking is entirely up to you,” Hugh said, releasing her hair and straightening the collar on her pajamas. “Apply for your PGCE, hold your landlord accountable,” his eyes narrowed, “and quit sleeping with strangers and there’ll be no need to go over my knee.”

She swallowed, the sound noisy in the quiet room. “I’ve been doing what the hell I like for years, you know.”

“And it hasn’t exactly got you very far.” He paused. “Like I said, things are going to change for you now. You might as well stop resisting because it will happen, you will do what you are told whether you like it or not.”

Chapter Four

“Please be upstanding for the bride and groom,” the master of ceremonies bellowed. “Mr. and Mrs. Talbot.”

The crowded room stood, champagne flutes aloft, as Jenny and Benjamin entered the elaborately decorated dining hall at Woodford Country Manor. A ripple of polite applause hushed as they took their seats at the top table, leaving only the sound of two violins dipping and parrying.

Jenny sat next to Clarice, her white dress billowing around her. She’d gone for Disney princess on this occasion.

Clarice took in the sea of faces. Half were familiar—she’d seen them at her mother’s previous weddings. The other half were new to her, and she scanned the guys, wondering if there was anyone worth getting to know when the lights dimmed and the music started.

Parker and Hugh were seated at the other end of the top table. She’d barely said a word to them. She was still cross with Hugh for barging into her home and basically telling her that her life was crap. Who did he think he was? And Parker, she was pissed at him, too. Tom hadn’t shown up for his usual morning coffee all week, and she missed his banter.

But she couldn’t deny her stepbrothers looked good. And it seemed every other woman, young and old, thought so as well. In black morning suits teamed with purple neckties, waistcoats, and pocket flowers, it was easy to see they were toned and honed beneath their clothes. Add in their brooding, slightly aloof though thoroughly charming demeanor, and they were a magnet for attention.

Not hers. She didn’t want their attention or their spanking threats or their bossiness. A few more glasses of champers, and she’d be well on her way to getting some fun…hopefully.

She’d spotted a cute guy with wavy blond hair. Benjamin’s nephew perhaps? Or maybe a friend’s son. Godson? She didn’t know. Didn’t much care. But the moment the speeches were over and things relaxed, she’d see if he was up for a bit of bedroom down and dirty. He wasn’t likely to be as good as last week’s hottie—Scott or was it Sean?—because he’d been exceptional.

Her meal consisted of smoked salmon mousse, lamb cutlets, and then passion fruit sorbet. All excellent.

After helping her mother visit the restroom—the dress required holding up—Clarice reapplied lipstick and perfume then headed to the bar. She was pleasantly surprised to find the blond cutie propping it up.