Page 140 of Stepbrothers

The effort of relaxing her asshole caused her to hold her breath. She stilled with her lungs full. Parker curled his hips and breached her ass, slowly opening her hole around his cock.

“Breathe, Clarice,” Hugh said in a strained voice, as though he was summoning willpower and self-control.

A whoosh of air burst from her lungs, only to be snatched in again.

Parker’s cock was filling her so absolutely, the space already restricted, his cock so dense and heavy alongside Hugh’s.

“You’re doing it, you’re taking them,” Trig said. “Both cocks.”

“It’s…it’s so much,” she managed. “Fuck.”

“Keep going, Parker,” Trig added. “All the way.” Again, he tweaked the chain, giving her nipples more stimulation.

It was what she needed, and she pushed back onto Parker, suddenly greedy to feel his balls pressing up against her so she knew she had both him and Hugh deep inside her.

But damn, it was a lot. Two big, hard men surrounding her, penetrating her, fucking her.

Parker groaned. “That’s it…I’m in…jeez, not sure how much stamina I’m gonna have. She’s tight anyway, but now, with Hugh inside…”

“Yeah, move, baby, let’s get you coming before we blow too early,” Hugh said, urging her to rock her hips on him. “Let’s find your orgasm.”

“Yes. Yes.” How she wanted to come like this. Stuffed full of cock it would be so intense, so bright and brilliant.

When she started moving on Hugh, Parker caught her rhythm, fucking her ass in time with her grinding hips. When he hit full depth, her clit took maximum weight and pressure, and soon the spark of an orgasm was within reach. She closed her eyes and concentrated on every delicious sensation.

“Open up, wildcat.”

She flicked her eyes open.

Trig’s cock was right in front of her. He was half on the bed, offering it forward. “I’m gonna fill that last hole,” he said huskily, “so you’ve got us all inside you, so you’re taking us all, and we’re all fucking you.”

Saliva pooled in her mouth, and she nodded, stretching her jaw wide.

He was there in the blink of an eye, sliding over her tongue to the back of her throat. Filling her mouth with his slightly salty flavor and heat, letting her know that he needed her as much as his brothers did.

“Good girl.” Parker released her shoulders and straightened. “You’ve taken us all.”

A sudden hard spank landed on her right buttock.

She cried out around Trig’s cock.

“I just wanted to see my handprint,” Parker said. “Fuck, you redden so quickly.”

“And she’s gonna come quickly, too,” Hugh said, cupping her breasts but not touching the clamps. “Aren’t you, little sis, come, let it take you.”

She couldn’t answer, Trig was pumping in and out of her mouth the way Parker was pumping her ass. But Hugh was right, an orgasm was growing, getting ready to unleash. Her clit was throbbing with pressure, her pussy quivering and wet, and her ass craving each of Parker’s deep thrusts.

“Come,” Trig said as pre-cum leaked from his slit. “It’s time. Come, Clarice, come.”

The desperation in his voice had her orgasm rushing toward her. It teetered within her grasp, beckoning and ballooning, and then she let it ravage her desperate body.

“Fuck, yeah!” Parker cried out. He was coming with her.

She could feel it, hear it, sense it.

Bright lights burst in her vision. She was aware of Hugh canting his hips to seat himself fully. He cried out, a string of unholy praises to the Lord.

Her pulse thudded in her ears, and her body barely felt like her own. Every inch of her was owned by the men she loved.