“Come on, let’s get you dried off so you can rest.”
“Yes, I am rather tired. Thoroughly satisfied, but tired.”
He took her hand and helped her out of the shower. Once he’d wrapped her in a huge white towel, he took a comb and gently teased it through her wet hair.
She watched his reflection in the anti-fog mirror. His expression was one of extreme concentration as he was careful not to tug her scalp. His switch from disciplinarian to an affectionate lover could almost have made her dizzy again.
“Is that okay?” he asked when her hair was smooth and towel dried.
She yawned. “Perfect. Thank you.”
He chuckled and discarded the towel from around his waist, put on a pair of white Calvin boxers. “Here, put these on, otherwise you won’t be getting much rest.”
She allowed him to slip a pair of her white lace panties on and then a white vest that plainly showed her nipples through it.
“Fuck.” He glanced down at her chest. “How’d we get so lucky?”
“I’m the lucky one.”
He kissed her again but appeared to hold himself back; perhaps if he kept on, he’d ravish her tired, aching body.
So the next thing she knew, she was lying in his bed wrapped in his arms. The sheets were light and cool and the curtains drawn.
He kept still, very still, and with her cheek on his warm chest, she closed her eyes and listened to his steady heartbeat.
Within seconds, her mind wandered, and sleep crept up on her. A deep, dark, dreamless sleep that nourished her body and mind.
At one point she was aware of Parker folding in behind her, his hand resting on her hip and his soft breathing on her neck. She linked her fingers with his and squeezed but soon fell back into the abyss of her exhausted slumber.
When she woke, it wasn’t Parker or Trig in bed with her, it was Hugh.
He was on his back, mouth slightly open, with his eyes closed. The moment she stirred, he reached sleepily for her. “Hey.”
“What is this, musical beds?”
“You bet.” He tugged her close, entwined his legs with hers, and then sighed.
“Where’d Trig and Parker go?”
“Parker went to work, something about a video conference. And Trig’s gone for a run with a military buddy, he won’t be back for most of the day.”
“Wow, long run.”
“Yep, they’ve caught the train out to Tunbridge Wells and will run back into London.”
“What? That must be thirty miles.”
“Trig doesn’t do anything by half measures, you should know that.”
“True.” But still she was impressed at his dedication to fitness. The man was a machine. “Are you working today?”
“I’m on the night shift, will be all week.” He yawned then stretched. “So what do you want for breakfast? I’m at your service.”
Her belly rumbled. “Pancakes would be good. I’m starving, I seemed to miss dinner last night.”
“You were out for the count, we decided to leave you.”
“Multiple orgasms will do that to a girl.”