Page 109 of Stepbrothers

“I’m not.” He paused. “Leave this to me, okay.” He kissed her again, gentler this time. Sweeter. “You don’t need to worry about a thing.”

But even with Trig’s cock still buried deep, Clarice couldn’t help worrying that Hugh and Parker wouldn’t take this quite as well as Trig seemed to think they would.

Clarice didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Parker arrived home first and jumped straight in the shower, claiming the air-conditioning at the office hadn’t been working and it had been a ‘hell of a day’.

While he was in the shower, Hugh came through the door, dumping a rucksack on the floor near the coat hook.

“Hey, little sis,” he said, giving Clarice a kiss. She was seated on the sofa with her laptop. “Good day?”

“Eventful. You?”

“Sure.” He frowned slightly. “Why eventful?”

She took a deep breath and looked at Trig who was at the table, sipping a dark-green smoothie he’d just made.

“Tell him about your phone call,” Trig said.

She smiled up at Hugh. “The college called…”

“And?” He raised his eyebrows.

“I got on the course.”

“Brilliant news.” He came around the sofa and hauled her into a hug. “Not that I’m surprised, I knew you’d do it.” He kissed her, his lips familiar and soft.

“What did you know she’d do?” Parker appeared, torso bare, blue Nike sweats and damp hair.

“I got on the course.” She grinned, excitement gripping her. “And I’m going to be at Broomwood Hall Primary School. It’s close by.”

“Well done. I’m proud of you.” He came close, and even though she was in Hugh’s arms, he kissed her.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She loved them both so much, and she knew they loved her, could feel it in every touch, every brush of their lips, and their obvious delight at her achievement.

“And…” Trig said then slurped on his smoothie. “Tell them the other thing.”

She frowned slightly then realized what he meant, “I quit my job.”

“Already?” Hugh said.

“Good.” Parker frowned. “That boss of yours is a dickhead.”

Trig huffed. “Sure is.”

“You met him?” Hugh asked.

“Yep.” Trig sucked nosily on his straw.

“When?” Parker asked.

“Today.” He pushed his finished smoothie aside. “As a matter of fact, I damn nearly throttled him, so it’s a good job little sis isn’t working there anymore.”

“You did what?” Hugh asked.

“I should think he deserved it.” Parker was staring intently at Trig, as though a myriad of thoughts were rushing through his clever brain. “But why were you there?”

“We had things to discuss.” He gestured between himself and Clarice. “Me and my one-night stand, who is now my stepsister, had a few things to clear up.”