“Trig.” She brushed his hand away. His words had her heart racing, and his fingers had her cheeks blushing.
“Fuck, are we nearly there?” He glanced out the window and frowned.
Luckily, within a few minutes, the cab pulled up outside the apartment block. Trig tapped his phone on the machine to pay, then they alighted.
The sun was hot. Clarice was hotter. And the determined set of Trig’s jaw wasn’t doing anything to cool the situation. He was a man on a mission. He meant business.
The business of fucking.
They passed the apartment gym, exclusive to residents, then waited silently for the elevator. Time had slowed, it seemed, everything was slow except their need for each other—their need to have a closed door between them and the world.
They stepped into the elevator and, just as the doors were about to shut, a hand slid through the gap and stopped it.
Trig clicked his tongue in obvious frustration.
Clarice folded her arms. Her nipples were hard and poking her t-shirt like pebbles.
“Hey, sorry, but thanks.” Yellow trainer guy stepped in with a towel around his neck and a sheen of sweat on his brow. He glanced at the buttons but didn’t press anything. He lived on the top floor, the same as they did.
“Hey.” He smiled at Clarice. “How you doing?”
He chuckled. “Better than the first time I saw you, you were upside down then.” He laughed. “Ass in the air.”
“What?” Trig said, his jaw clenching so hard she wondered if he’d crack a tooth.
“Ah yes,” she smiled, then turned to Trig. “Hugh had decided I wasn’t going out on the town partying.”
The frown lines in Trig’s forehead deepened.
“And he had to physically carry his sister home.” Trainer guy nodded at Trig. “Seems he’s rather protective of his sister, so I’d watch out if I were you…” He paused. “If he finds out she’s brought a guy back to the apartment while he’s at work…well, let’s just say shit will hit the fan.”
“What’s it got to do with—” Trig stepped forward.
“It’s fine.” Clarice set her hand on Trig’s upper arm and, still smiling at trainer guy, said. “Hugh knows I have a boyfriend now. He’s cool with it.”
“Good.” Trainer guy nodded and looked Trig up and down. “You’re a big guy, but so is her brother. You two clash head-on, stuff’s gonna get broken.”
“You think?” Trig kind of growled. “’Cause—”
“Here we are,” Clarice said brightly as the doors opened on floor twelve. “Have a nice day.”
She practically pushed Trig from the elevator. The man was riled up on testosterone and his libido raging. He was either going to fight or fuck, and she knew which outcome she wanted. Getting him away from trainer guy was the best move for everyone.
He reached the door first, shoved his key in, then kicked it open.
She stepped inside, but the next thing she knew she was being backed up to the wall. The door slammed shut, he’d kicked it, and his mouth hit down on hers, his tongue forging past her lips.
She clung to him and kissed him back, matching his hunger as he towered over her. A shiver of arousal shot through her; his dominant forcefulness had her pussy clenching.
His hands went to her ass cheeks, and he jerked her upward, her shoulders sliding up the wall until her face was level with his. She wrapped her legs around his hips, grinding her pussy against his cock, over the rough material of his jeans.
‘Goddamn it,” he muttered, shoving a hand between their bodies to free himself. “You make me crazy.”
“Good.” She arched toward him.
“Good that when I should have been thinking about not getting my head blown off I’ve been thinking about our night together?”