Page 104 of Stepbrothers

“You really were angry, huh.”

“Of course. Jeez. Parker had told me he was a dickhead, but I hadn’t expected him to be quite so nasty to the core.”

“He’s mainly just lazy.”

“And you’re kind.” He shook his head. “He’s nasty. The sort who would take advantage of someone weaker, smaller, less fortunate than him in any way he could.”

“I think you’re probably right there. But…”

“But what?”

“I really do need to find another job now.” She held out her hands. “And it’s not like I’m highly qualified or experienced in anything other than working in a coffee shop.”

“Something will turn up, and it’s not as if you need to worry about paying rent while you’re staying with us and—”

Her cell was ringing.

“God, I hope that’s not Derek,” she said.

“He wouldn’t dare.”

She didn’t recognize the number. “Hello.”

“Clarice Morris?”


“Hi, this is Sally Newman from the London College of Teaching.”

Clarice’s stomach did a weird flip then seemed to fill with fluttering butterflies. “Oh, hello. Nice to hear from you.” She stood.

“It was lovely to meet you last week at your interview, Miss Morris, and I’m pleased to tell you that you’ve been successful in your application for teacher training at our college starting on the first of September.”

“Gosh. Really?” She ran her hand through her hair then spun on the spot, a full three-sixty, not seeming to know where to put herself. “Thank you. That’s wonderful news.”

“We are glad you applied and that you chose us. I’ll be sending out an email later with all the paperwork including a form for you to sign and formally accept the place. All the details will be included, but just so you know, as discussed during interview, the first month will be college-based, then you will be learning on the job with theory-based college days to support practice learning. You’ll need to complete the reading list before the first day at college. I’ll enclose that, too.”

“Reading list. Yes, yes, that’s wonderful. Can I ask if I’ve been assigned a school yet?”

“You have, let me see…Broomwood Hall, it’s near Clapham Common.”

“Oh, that’s perfect, I know where it is. Thank you.”

“We look forward to seeing you on the first of next month.”

The call ended.

“Was that the news you were hoping for?” Trig stood.

She nodded, her eyes filling with tears of happiness. “Yes. Yes, it was.”

He raised one eyebrow. “So you got on the course?”

“I did. And it starts in just three weeks. I’m so happy.”

“And I’m happy for you.”

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her and scooped her up, spun her around.