“Get off your pedestal,” Parker said. “It’s not like you haven’t fucked our stepsister, too.”
“Before I knew we were ever going to be related.” Trig shook his head. “If I’d known, perhaps I’d have kept my cock in my pants and not shoved it in her pussy.”
“Stop!” Clarice shouted. “I am standing right here. Stop talking about me this way.”
Trig clamped his mouth shut and had the good grace to stare down at his feet.
Her voice seemed to have shaken Parker from his bristling irritation. “Shit. Sorry, baby.” He rubbed his temple. “It’s just…you and Trig. And when we met you for lunch that day, you’d been with him…you had a hickey from him.” Again, he touched his neck.
“How was I to know Trig was the son of my mother’s husband-to-be? Besides, he told me his name was Scott.”
“Sean,” Trig growled. “What is it with you and names?”
“Fuck. Sorry. It just doesn’t suit you.” She tipped her chin in the air. “And actually, it doesn’t suit me to be here. I’ll go and stay with a friend for a few days, give you your room back and some time with your brothers. I’m sure that’s what you really want.”
“You’re not going anywhere.” Hugh pushed away from the island. He set his hands on her shoulders. “And your friends are pissed at you, remember”
She frowned. “I’ll get a hotel.”
“They are ridiculously expensive in London.” Hugh tutted.
“I don’t care. I’ll put it on my credit card.” She felt a lump catch in her throat and willed her eyes not to fill with tears. “It’s clear I’m not wanted here.”
“Wewant you.” Parker stepped up to her. “Stay, let’s talk about this. We agreed to do that, remember?”
“What is there to talk about?” She was thankful her voice hadn’t cracked as she’d spoken.
“A fair bit,” Trig said. “Like are you still hooking up with strangers every Saturday night. Risking your health and safety. Allowing yourself to be used.”
She pulled in a deep breath and stepped away from Hugh and Parker. Anger bristled. She could fight her own battles—even if it was with a scary badass soldier. “Did you ever consider I was using you? I like to fuck. I like to orgasm. I like sex and cock and screwing all night.”
His face tightened. “I could have been a lunatic, a serial killer.”
“But you weren’t.”
Hugh held up his hand. “Of course she’s not fucking around anymore, Trig. She’s been with us every night for weeks.”
“Yeah, we put a stop to that little game pretty damn quickly.” Parker rubbed his palms together. “We caught her slipping off with Wayne at the wedding.”
“Wayne Jones?”
“Fuck.” Trig ran his hand over his short sharp hair. “That guy is such a player.”
Clarice folded her arms.
“I hope you didn’t screw him?” Trig directed at her.
“No. Of course not.” She feigned indignation, though the truth was, and Parker and Hugh knew it, too, she absolutely had been about to fuck Wayne.
“We took the situation in hand,” Parker said.
“I just bet you did. I can well imagine how.” Trig blew out a breath. “I can’t believe this.”
“Neither can I.” Clarice spotted her wine glass, half full. She reached for it and took a slug. “I need some more of this.”
Hugh filled it up. Then he popped himself a beer.