“Thank you. So do you.”
“And it smells divine.” Jenny smiled at Hugh who handed her a glass of white wine. “Chicken?”
“Yes, with trifle to follow.”
“What a treat.” A nano expression crossed her face.
Clarice suddenly remembered that her mother hated trifle.
“And you’re going to meet your other new stepbrother, too, Clarice,” Jenny said with a smile.
“So it seems. When did you meet him?”
“A month before the wedding. Benjamin had all the boys around for dinner.” She paused. “You were invited, but you said you had plans with Wendy and Sharon. It was a Saturday night if I remember.”
“Oh, and yes, I did have.” If only she’d ditched those plans. She wouldn’t be feeling so apprehensive now.
Which was silly. There was nothing to worry about. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t met people before. Hadn’t met men before.
“Here you go,” Hugh said, pressing a large white wine into her hand. “And I’ve set out the salmon and rocket.”
“Great. Did you add a slice of lemon to each plate?”
“Just like you told me to.”
“How nice that you’re all getting on so well,” Benjamin commented.
“Yes. We really are.” Hugh’s smile broadened.
Clarice’s face reddened. If only they knew how well.
“I wonder where Trig is?” Parker said. He filled a jug of water for the table. “I thought he’d be here by now.”
“He’ll be here very soon.” Hugh shrugged and took a slug from a bottle of beer.
Once again, the doorbell chimed.
“How do you do that, Hugh?” Clarice laughed, though her stomach did a little flip. “It’s spooky.”
“I guess we’re in tune.” He shrugged and turned to walk down the entrance corridor to the door.
“Clarice,” Parker called. “Shall I put these Yorkshire puddings in yet?”
“Er.” She walked over to him. “Yes, let’s heat the oil first, though.”
Voices. Deep rumbling voices. The click of shoes.
“Ah, here he is.” Parker looked up from the oven and beamed. “Home in one piece, always a bonus.” He straightened and drew his brother into a hug.
“Good to see you, mate.” An embrace and slap to the back.
Clarice stared at Trig. At his short spikey haircut, his strong jaw, and thick eyebrows. She took in the width of his shoulders and the tightness of his t-shirt around wide biceps.
It couldn’t be.
She was seeing things.
There was a likeness, nothing more, to Scott…or was it Sean?