“Yes. Much.” She smiled and reached for a bowl. “It feels right, when we’re all here.”
“I’m glad you feel that way.” He passed her a glass of wine and leaned his butt against the counter. “Can I ask you something?”
“Ask away.” She took a sip of the rich claret.
“Do you think one day you might fall in love with us?” There was a note of hesitation in his voice. As though it had taken courage to ask the question. “We’ve already both said we’re falling for you.” He bit on his bottom lip, seeming to hold in more words.
She studied him. He was so tall and handsome with his strong features and dark eyes. And he’d become a huge part of her world in a short space of time.
“I think…” she said, “that this is still so new, not just us, but this way of being in a relationship.”
“Go on.” He sipped his drink.
“With two men, instead of one, but I’m not finding that too hard to get my head around.”
“And why is that? Lots of women would.”
“Maybe it’s because you’re brothers? Maybe it’s because you’ve done it before, shared, and I can tell that there is no jealousy between you.”
“But do you care for us equally or do you have a favorite?” He tipped his head, considering her.
She laughed though she got the feeling her answer was very important. “What a strange question…but a valid one.” For a moment she paused. “But if you want the honest truth.”
“I do.” Again, he sipped his wine. His swallow was loud.
“My feelings for you and Hugh are different, different entities.” She hesitated, trying to define her emotions. “Like different species, a lion and a bear perhaps. The same but not.” She shook her head. “What I’m trying to say is they can coexist together.”
He chuckled. “Which one am I? Lion or bear?”
“That doesn’t matter, I’m just trying to say that my feelings for you are the same but different.” She stepped up to him and rested her hand over where his heart was. “I am falling in love with you both equally.”
A flash of what appeared to be relief washed over his eyes. “You do? You are?”
“Yes. I’m not saying I want this to go any faster, or any more full-on. I’m not sure I could keep up, but I’m happy with you both, and now we’ve talked it through, I’m happy to be here, too.”
“You couldn’t go back to that hellhole of a flat. But like I said before, if you want your own place, we’ll help you find something and—”
“No, that’s not what I want. At least not for now.”
He smiled. “But you must always tell us what you need so we can help you.”
“So far you’ve been pretty good at knowing what I need.”
“I’m glad you think so.”
The microwave pinged. “Ah, that’s Hugh’s dinner warm again. I’ll take it to him.” Clarice stepped away and put the hot bowl on a tray she’d prepared with cutlery and a drink. “Hopefully he’s out of the shower.”
She picked up the tray and stuck her head into his bedroom.
“Oh, Hugh,” she said quietly.
He was sprawled out on the bed with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He’d clearly stepped out of the bathroom and just flopped. Drips still sparkled on his long, strong back, and his head was turned to the right, hair damp. His eyes were closed, his mouth parted as he breathed slow and steady.
Setting the tray back in the kitchen, she said, “He’s out for the count. I’ll go and cover him up.”
“Good plan. I’ll sort this.” Parker nodded at the tray.
Clarice went back into the bedroom. It took a few minutes to tug the duvet out from under him because he didn’t wake up. But when she had, she dropped her dressing gown to the floor and pulled the covers up and over both of them, spooning her body around his and holding him close.