Page 43 of Stepbrothers

“Curious, I suppose.”

“Yeah, they’re ours. Dad’s cars are in the garage.”

“Plural. How many does he have?”

“A Discovery for running around, plus an Aston Martin for the weekends. He’s just bought a Mercedes, too, for your mother.”

“It was what she wanted, apparently,” Hugh added.

“I’m sure she did.” Clarice took in the length of the garden. She couldn’t actually see the perimeter. It was lost in trees and shrubs. “I passed my driving test, years ago, but I’ve never had a car.”

“Why not?” Hugh asked.

She shrugged. “Didn’t need one. Couldn’t afford it either.”

“Public transport is okay in London,” Parker said, “but out here, a car is necessary.”

“Is a Ferrari necessary?” She laughed.

“Always.” Parker grinned.

He was so handsome today, in his casual clothes and relaxed manner to match. His shades suited him, as did the light sprinkle of stubble on his jawline.

“And a Porsche?” She looked at Hugh. “Essential?”

“A guy can indulge himself from time to time. I work hard, like to play hard.”

“I noticed.” She paused. “Can I ask a personal question?”

“You’re family, so I don’t see why not.” Hugh cupped her elbow as she stepped over some gnarly roots.

They kept on walking, now in the shade of old oak and sycamore trees. “Do all fireman have Porsches, or is it just you?”

Hugh laughed. “Just me, I guess.”

“Only, the model you’ve got there is super expensive, the price of a house and…”

“And the London Fire Brigade isn’t that generous with salaries, is that what you’re saying?” The dappled shadows flickered over his face, and he pushed his hand through his hair.

“Without wishing to pry, yes.”

“Fair enough.” He shrugged but didn’t say anything further.

Then Parker spoke. “Hugh works because he wants to not because he has to. Being a firefighter is a vocation, right?”

“Right.” Hugh nodded. “It’s what I always wanted to do so I’m doing it. Saving lives.” He banged his chest. “It’s good for the soul. It gives me purpose.”

“I wholeheartedly agree that you do an amazing job.” She couldn’t help admire him, but also a little thread of fear went through her, he did have a dangerous job. Things happened fast when fire was involved, people got burned…killed. Including the firemen. “And what about you, Parker? Working because you want to or have to?”

“Someone has to keep the family business in order.” He moved a supple branch out of the way of both his and her face. “Dad claims to be retired, but truth is he’s still in the process of handing it over to me. I can see that process being expedited now he is married to Jenny. He has considerably more fun things to do and places to go than the office.”

“And did he found the business?”

“No, our grandfather did. He started offering marketing services before it was even really a thing, and then he branched out, forming another company that dealt with private equity. He had a good eye for the next big thing and seemed to be a magnet for money. He’d made his first million before he was thirty, and back then that was like making ten million.”

“Wow, he did well.”

“And continued to, as well as being prudent and investing wisely. It meant our father had a good springboard for success which he’s passed on to us.” Parker gestured around. “This is not quite old money, but it’s getting there.”