But he was there, stooped and hauling on them, tugging them over her feet.
“Jesus,” he muttered, “I’ve been hard as a rock this last hour in the bar.” He picked her up, his arms around her waist and her bra squashing up against his chest. “Damn uncomfortable if I’m honest.”
“I hope you’re gonna stay hard for a while longer,” she said and ran her hands over his short spiky hair.
“Don’t worry, I haven’t got any stamina issues.” He gave a wickedly sexy grin. “Never had any complaints either, Clare.”
He chuckled. Bastard had got her name wrong on purpose.
The curtains weren’t quite drawn, and a pencil of buttery London light spilled over the white bedcovers. He dropped her onto the bed, lying over her instantly and kissing her again.
His weight was delicious, and his body heat spread over her skin. She widened her legs, letting him settle between her thighs. Through their underwear they connected. The feel of his cock, big and steely, drew a groan of longing from her chest.
“Fuck me.” She gripped his shoulders, her fingernails digging in. “I need it.”
“You’re a wild little thing, you know that?” He stripped her bra away, then ducked to draw her right nipple into his mouth.
“I have been…told that before.” The sensation of his warm, wet tongue laving sent hot tingles of pleasure over her skin.
“You’ve been told before that you’re wild, naughty, and reckless?” He switched to her other breast.
“Yeah, you don’t know me. I could be a kinky son-of-a-bitch with bad intentions.”
“That’s what I’m hoping for.”
He raised his head and locked his gaze with hers for a second, his eyes flashing in the strip of light and his breaths coming quick. “Such risk-taking deserves a spanking.”
“Fuck me first.” She grinned. The guy was handsome, in a rugged, capable, thoroughly male way. She’d really gotten lucky tonight.
“You got it.”
A tightening around her hips, then a ripping sound. Her panties had bitten the dust.
“And it’s Sean, remember,” he said, removing his boxers. “For when you’re screaming my name in a few minutes.”
“Just get on with it…oh…”
He yanked her right leg upward, looping it over his forearm. The head of his condom-covered cock nudged her entrance. A muscle flexed in his cheek as he stared down at her.
She held her breath. Her damp pussy fluttered. He wasn’t going to be gentle, he was going to ram in hard and fast and fill her with cock.
It was exactly what she wanted.
“Lord have mercy,” he muttered then drove in—a solid, determined thrust of his hips that filled her with one slick ride to full depth.
She cried out, loving the nip of pain that went with the dense invasion.
He groaned, long and low, his muscles hard as concrete. “Ah fuck, you feel good.”
“So…so do you.”
He withdrew, almost out, then rammed home again.
The air was shunted from her lungs. He was strong and big, and she was pinned beneath him.