One year later
“To Clarice.” Benjamin held up a flute of champagne. “The first teacher in the family.”
Clarice grinned. “Thank you.”
“Yes, congratulations, sweetheart, I’m so proud of you.” Jenny drew Clarice into a hug. “You’ve worked so hard for this and you deserve every moment of it.”
Clarice felt like she might burst with happiness. The last year had been a hard slog, working in the school during the day—a whirlwind of chatter and energetic small people—and then studying in the evenings. The guys had even had to put up with a worm farm in the apartment—part of the children’s science project—and Hugh had come into the classroom one afternoon in his uniform to talk about fire safety—she’d just about spontaneously combusted, and so had several of the other female teachers. He was so ridiculously sexy in his fireman getup, and knowing, as she did, what was under his uniform, had her panties damp for the entire day.
“Yes, well done.” Parker chinked his glass to hers. “You’ve really thrown yourself into it, and now it’s paid off.”
She smiled at him, grateful for his unwavering encouragement and resisting the urge to press her lips to his in front of her mother and Benjamin. That would certainly set tongues wagging.
“We should order,” Trig said, “I’m starving.”
“That’s what happens when you run a marathon before breakfast and then go to the gym, Trig.” Hugh chuckled.
“I had energy to use up.” He studied the menu.
“Aren’t you supposed to rest when you get a few days’ leave?” Jenny said.
“It’s only forty-eight hours, so I need to stay focused.” He half shrugged.
“I’m so glad you managed to come to my graduation,” Clarice said.
He winked at her, softening for a split second, his hard exterior, his shield, dropping to show her his love. “Wouldn’t have missed it, sis.”
“Isn’t this nice.” Benjamin beamed around the table. “The whole family together.”
“It really is.” Jenny kissed his cheek. “What wonderful children we have.”
Clarice took a gulp of champagne. Would they have thought that the night before when Trig had arrived home and proceeded to fuck her over the sofa while Parker and Hugh watched?
Trig held up his hand, summoning a waiter, as though needing a distraction from a similar memory to Clarice’s.
Soon they’d ordered a variety of pasta dishes, salads, and sides as well as another bottle of bubbles.
“So I hear you’re staying at the school where you did your training,” Benjamin said. “Now you’re qualified.”
“Yes.” Clarice smiled. The group of kids she’d be teaching the next year were great. She already knew them by name. “Luckily, they had an opening and they offered me the job. It’s such a nice school, the pupils and the teachers and, of course, it’s convenient for the apartment.”
“Oh, you’re not getting your own place?” Jenny said. “Now you’ve done the course.”
“There’s no point,” Hugh said. “Trig’s room is empty pretty much all the time, and rent has gone up ridiculously in the area.”
“And like Clarice said, it’s so convenient,” Parker added. “For her work.”
“You don’t mind?” Benjamin asked Trig.
“No.” Trig pressed his lips together, seeming to not quite trust himself to say anything further.
“And we all get on well,” Parker went on. “In fact, Clarice and I are taking a trip to Italy together next week.”
“Really?” Jenny raised her eyebrows.
“Yes.” Clarice nodded. They’d agreed to mention the trip to their parents. It would be weird not to. “I’ve always wanted to go, and so has Parker, so we’re doing a bit of a tour.”
“How nice.” Benjamin looked between her and Parker. “I must say, I didn’t ever dare hope you’d all get on this well. It warms my heart.”