“I don’t think I’ll ever be addicted to the gym.”
“You’re going to try.” His tone was firm.
“Not today.” She pouted at him.
He held her chin and brought his face close to hers. “Yes, today, Clarice.” Suddenly, he stood. “And I put a chicken and couscous salad in the fridge for your lunch. There was loads going spare at Dad’s, and it’s super healthy.”
“Oh, okay, thanks. Are you going out?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a medical to go to in Aldershot. I’ll be gone for a few hours. Most of the day probably.”
“Medical? Is something wrong?”
“No, it’s routine.” He stood. “And speaking of medical, Hugh told me those tablets on the counter are yours.”
“The iron, yes.”
“So I’ve taken one pill out, placed it on the top, so you don’t forget to take it.”
“I’ve been taking them, mostly. I feel loads better now, much less tired. They’ve worked.”
“I’m glad to hear it, but keep taking them.”
He walked to the door.
She frowned at his back. “You’re very bossy, you know that.”
“Yep, I know that.” He turned in the doorway. “But it’s for your own good. Health is important, without it, we have nothing.” He gripped the top of the doorframe and appeared to hang on it, stretching. His armpits flashed with dark matted hair, and his muscles bunched and flexed. “And that reading list for the course. Do you need some cash to buy the books?”
“No, it’s mostly online papers. I’ve got the links, shouldn’t cost anything.”
“Ah, I see.” He paused and released the doorframe. “So make a start on that today, too.”
She frowned.
“Every day has to matter,” he said. “Every day you have to work toward achieving what you ultimately want in all aspects of life.”
And with that pearl of wisdom, he was gone.
“Bloody hell,” she muttered then sipped her coffee again. “Intense or what.”
Truth was, she had no intention of going to the gym or starting on her reading list. This was her first day of freedom from Derek. The first time in a long time she didn’t have to be somewhere or answering to anyone.
Except Trig, so it seemed. Well, he could just take his sweaty, muscle-bound body to Aldershot and leave her in peace. She had a date with the sofa and Netflix.
Chapter Twenty-Four
“Oh, one more episode.” Clarice reached for her second bag of salt and vinegar crisps, her favorite. As was the series she’d been watching all day. She’d had no idea there was another season waiting for her to binge.
And binge she had. With her men all out at work, she had the luxurious apartment to herself. And after a long, hot shower and a pampering session that had included removing every stray hair, a clay face mask, and a DIY pedi and mani, she’d pulled on pale-gray sweats and a white t-shirt and thoroughly enjoyed not making cappuccinos, lattes, and Americanos all day.
The front door clicked shut.
Someone had arrived home.
She popped in another crisp, and her attention stayed glued to the screen. It was a particularly tense moment for the two heroines who’d hidden a body in the woods.
“Clarice.” A deep rumbling voice.