“Look at the clock? You’re better off just getting this done, and then, we can talk about the future later,” he said.

Well, I tried, at least. I grabbed the folder and brought it closer, opening it. As I worked on the first billing cycle for this patient, I looked over at Aaron.

His concentrated expression, furrowed brows, and the occasional pinching of the bridge of his nose to put his glasses upwards was kind of cute in a strange sort of way.

No, I shouldn’t find this guy cute. Aaron was an asshole, old enough to be my dad, and I knew that if Emily even heard about these thoughts, she would kill me. No, Aaron was a dick, and he didn’t care about anyone else but himself.

So why in the world did I want to spend my time with him then? Why did I find myself spending a little bit longer on the files? I shook my head, focusing back on the issue at hand, which was work.

I finished the second folder, putting this to the side. When I looked up, I noticed on the corner of his wall a couple of interesting things.

Some emblems, a motorcycle, and also a pennant. I looked around, seeing that, in the midst of different certificates and awards, there were other memorabilia too.

Motorcycle memorabilia.

I didn’t know Aaron liked motorcycles. Emily never told me anything about this. She didn’t tell me much about her dad, period, in recent years.

Aaron looked at me with that intimidating stare, and I stiffened.

“Something the matter?” he asked.

“Nothing, it’s just…I was looking around. I saw that you had some motorcycle stuff,” I said.

“I’m a fan of them. Now, why don’t you go back to your work, so we’re not wasting any more time,” he said.

I ducked downwards, a little bit annoyed by his words. How did one guy get to be so rude and assholish? I tried to muster up the courage to ask, but I turned to him as I finished the fourth folder.

“Were you a part of some motorcycle club or something?” I asked him.

He looked at me, and then he shrugged. “You could say that. Anyways, I’m done with mine. I suggest you mind your own business and finish up.”

God, this guy didn’t want to talk at all. I worked on the last folder, which had some really annoying coding, and I had to clean it since there was a mess with the billing the first time.

As I finished the last folder, I put it down, folding my hands. “There, I did it.”

He nodded. “Thank you, you can go now.”

I shook my head.

“No, I’m here, and I at least want to know why. Aaron, you and I both know each other. I was Emily’s best friend for years. Your daughter. She didn’t tell me anything about you since the days I came over to see you. So, what’s been going on?” I asked him.

He turned towards me, and then he folded his hands.

“Nothing. I’ve just been busy with work. But, for the most part, I’ve been spending my days making sure this hospital is the best it can be,” he said.

“Yeah, but also, you seem miserable and upset,” I told him.

His eyes lowered, and he shook his head.

“I’m far from miserable. You, however, are still as nosey as ever before,” he said.

He got up, grabbed the last folders, and put them away.

“Me? Nosey? Please, I’m just trying to talk to you. Maybe if you didn’t act so unapproachable, I wouldn’t be having this conversation. You also seem much…grumpier than when I met you back in high school,” I told him.

He nodded. “Sometimes it’s like that. You get old. You focus on other things.”

I scoffed. “Well, maybe if you acted a little bit nicer, your wife wouldn’t have divorced you.”