I’d be okay. This couldn’t be positive. There was no way that I could be pregnant.

I took the test and closed my eyes. Then, I tried to figure out what to do if it was positive.

Do I rush over and tell Aaron everything? Or was it better to wait it out? The thoughts plagued me, but I tried to fight them off.

This would only be a problem if I were actually pregnant. I couldn’t be pregnant, though, right?

I pulled out the applicator, and sure enough, my fears came true.

Two bars. I was pregnant. And Aaron was the father. I didn’t know what to do. I sat on the toilet, fear coursing through my body.

If I told Aaron, it could ruin everything. Or maybe he would be okay with it.

I didn’t know. I grasped my thighs and held them there. My eyes filled with tears at the realization.

I couldn’t get pregnant. I was just…I was just starting at my job. And now, I was probably about to lose it too.

I sat there and looked at the door. I could hide in here until I felt ready to come out.

I shook my head.

“No, I can’t do that. I need to tell him.” I said to myself. I didn’t want to tell anyone, but I feared the consequences.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked around. Luckily, nobody from the office followed me. That was a relief. I walked outside and headed towards the hospital. I veered right, though, to head to the park nearby.

I needed space. I had about an hour to kill until I needed to go back. I looked at my phone, noticing the five missed calls and texts from Aaron. I wasn’t sure if he was doing this out of obligation or worry.

I didn’t know what to tell him. If I told the truth, he might push me away. He’s older; he doesn’t want to take care of a kid. That’d be stupid. If I hid it, though, I’d have to take care of it all on my own.

Then there was the Emily problem. If Emily found out I was carrying her half-sibling, she’d lose her shit. She would never forgive me for what happened.

I couldn’t tell them. If I did, it’d change everything.

I had to do this on my own. I sat in the park, thinking about how to provide for this child. I didn’t make much money, and it’d be even less now with a child. That’s what tempted me to ask for help.

Aaron could. He had all the money in the world. One trip to his house told me everything. I could just get the help I needed through him.

I wouldn’t, though. I didn’t want to get Aaron involved. So, I had to do this on my own.

“I’m strong. I can do this on my own. I don’t need his help,” I told myself. It was a weak mantra, but it was one I believed wholeheartedly.

I looked up at the clock in the center of the park. I’d been out here for far longer than I cared to admit. I didn’t even want to look at my phone. I knew it was multiple texts and calls from Aaron.

I headed back to the hospital, my body hollow and rigid. What I didn’t see, though, was what was behind me.

It was a car. I looked, noticing it was following me. It was a dark van that had an ominous feeling. I saw a jackal printed on the side of it.

It didn’t look good. I had about a half mile until I got to the hospital perimeter. After that, I could just duck into one of the buildings.

I veered right, taking a shortcut across one of the streets. I looked back to see if I had lost the goons, but sure enough, they followed. They didn’t let up, and I shuddered just thinking about it.

Why wouldn’t they leave me alone? What the hell was going on? I tried to get away from them, but then, I hit a wall. Literally.

I fell back, my head bruised, and my vision blurry. Then, I heard the sound of a car stopping. I looked around, trying to figure a way out of this, when suddenly someone grabbed me.

“Let…go!” I cried out.

The man laughed.