I can’t keep letting my hormones and desires get the best of me. I’d end up hurting someone. This time, it was my daughter.

Emily looked disgusted with me. Well, with both of us, really. I had to fix this. I reached for the door, but then McKenzie grabbed my hand.

“Let me do this,” she insisted.

I looked at her with confusion. “But why?

She stared at me and then shook her head. “You really don’t realize what you did, do you?”

“Besides getting caught, no,” I said.

McKenzie looked at me and shook her head. “Your daughter is hurt. She didn’t know that her father would do something like this. I think the shock of it surprised her. But tell you what, I’ll talk to her and see what I can do. I’m sure she’ll actually listen if I do this. Okay?”

Her voice was stiff and determined. There was no way I was getting a say in this.

I pulled my hand away from the door and sighed. “All right, you win. Try to talk with her. I want her to know that I still love and care about her a lot.”

She nodded. “I’ll do my best, Aaron. I’ll try to call and text her. Maybe we can all sit down and talk about this together.”

That was fine. That was all that I wanted. I wanted to help her, and I wanted to be there for her.

Even though I knew we screwed up and made a mistake, I wanted things to improve between us. However, that might happen.

I just wanted my daughter back in my life. But, of course, the one time I saw her, it was in a situation like this. I didn’t know what to do or how to fix it at this point. The only thing I could do was hope McKenzie could help with Emily’s icy heart.

Chapter 15: McKenzie

Iraceddownthestairs until I got to the first floor of the hospital. Going down all of those stairs was hell. When I got to the reception area, the receptionist looked at the time.

“Everything okay? You just took the stairs down ten floors?” she asked.

I shrugged. “As good as they’ll ever be.”

She nodded. “Right. Anything I can do to help you?”

Well, catching Emily before she raced off would’ve been nice.

I shook my head. “Nah, I’ll be fine. I just thought someone I knew was still here. But I guess not.” I looked around.

She nodded. “Very well. I can keep an eye out for you if you’d like.”

I smiled with gratitude. “Thanks. It’s a girl with blonde hair that’s short and cropped. She has green eyes and tanned skin. Her name’s Emily.”

The receptionist wrote it down and then nodded. “Very well.”

She went about her business, and I walked outside. The din of the city enveloped my ears. The whole time I looked for her, I couldn’t find anyone at all, let alone Emily.

What the hell? She really ran off that fast? I get that she was pissed, but I didn’t think she would react in this fashion and whatnot.

I tried to contact her over the next three weeks. Unfortunately, every time I called, it went straight to voicemail. I left her several voicemails for the first week, saying I missed her. After a while, though, I just kept calling her, but to no avail.

I sighed. Why in the world did this happen? Why did Emily show up at the worst possible time?

It reflected on Aaron as well. Luckily, Emily didn’t squeal about what we did, but I could tell he was stressed out about what had transpired.

He was gruff and distant, and I didn’t blame him for that. He probably didn’t know what else to do at this point other than to wait it out and see what happens next.

As for me, I wanted things to work out between Emily and me too. So, I thought that maybe, just maybe, if we sat down and talked, it’d all be okay.