I went to the parking garage at nine am on the dot the next morning. Again, there was Aaron, but he had a blue convertible this time. The smile on his face was playful, as if he had some agenda for both of us.

“Hey, so I’m here,” I said.

He walked over to me and embraced me. I hugged him back, even though I couldn’t understand this guy’s vibes for the life of me.

He moved back and grinned. “Glad you could show up. I half expected you to bail.”

Trust me, I considered it. But I didn’t.

“I’m good. Trust me. Anyways, so where are we going? You said you had a surprise for me?” I had no clue what this could mean.

“Yes! I was thinking about taking you somewhere special. I’m sorry for not being as…open as I normally am with you. Things have just been a little stressful on my end,” he explained.

Oh. Stress. So that was the reason he acted so aloof toward me every time I tried talking to him.

“I see. Blaming it all on stress,” I muttered.

He took my hand and held it.

“Well, do you want to go or not? I figured this would be a nice change of pace, but we don’t have to go. It’d kind of suck because I had all of this planned and—”

“No. I want to go. I’m dressed up anyway,” I replied.

I did dress for the occasion. He always liked those blue dresses on me, so I wore one with a white sweater over it. My hair, which usually sat in a ponytail, was down and straightened. When I looked in the mirror this morning before heading out the door, I thought I looked pretty good.

Aaron seemed to like it too. It wasn’t like I didn’t catch him stealing furtive glances at me.

“Well, I suppose it’s a date then. Come, let’s get into the car,” he told me.

I nodded. “Can do. But stop being such a grump.”

“I cannot guarantee that,” he said, with a hint of playfulness as he slid into the car.

I sighed in slight frustration. This guy made no sense, yet there was that part of me that wanted to go out and figure out just what this guy’s deal was in the world.

Either way, I would have a good day, even if this date somehow ended totally in the shitter.

Chapter 10: Aaron

Ididfeelbadfor the way I treated McKenzie this week, but it was hard to explain my feelings to her.

There were still many things that I still didn’t understand about myself, and one of them was the feelings I had for McKenzie. I liked her, sure, but there was a part of me that also wondered if this would even work.

She didn’t even know half of it. But I wanted to believe that if she knew the truth, she would at least accept it.

We drove to the city, stopping at one of the parking garages. I parked in the VIP parking lot, which had some extra protection.

“You like the ride?” I asked her.

“Yeah. I’ve never been in one of those before,” she said.

My eyes widened in surprise. “I’m shocked.”

“Well, I was the one footing my parent’s bill for a little while, so it should at least kind of make sense,” she replied.

That was correct. She did have that baggage to deal with. We walked into the stores that were here first. We shopped around the designer mall, where we even stopped to get some cute clothes for McKenzie.

She refused them, but I insisted on paying for them regardless.