We finished breakfast, and then Aaron drove me back to the company. I thought about asking him if I could stay, but I decided against it. After all, things were way too awkward even to consider something like that right now.

Sure, Aaron was nice, but he was just…so cranky and awkward, and it was clear from how he spoke to me that he had some lingering annoyance toward me.

Whatever. I couldn’t hate the guy. Underneath it all, he was nice. Just a bit of a grump, I supposed.

When we returned to the office, I got out of the car. As I held my things, I looked at Aaron and waved.

“Thanks for…last night. I had a good time,” I told him.

“I did as well. I should be going.”

He didn’t stick around. Instead, he raced out of there. I got to my car, which was fine after leaving it here last night. When I got inside, I closed my eyes and sighed.

I had no idea what to think about Aaron.

Last night, before we had sex, I noticed that glint in his eyes, that little bit of vulnerability he didn’t show anyone else. I wanted to see it again, especially since…it pulled me in like a riptide. But I knew that Aaron was not the type to do that sort of thing.

I guess if he ever did it again, I could just…ask questions and shit. You know, figure out just what the hell he was doing. That’s all.

After I got home and got myself together, I checked my phone. There were a few messages from Aaron, mostly asking me if I got home safe. I smiled at the sweetness he showed underneath it all, but I told him yes, I got home okay, and he didn’t have to worry about me.

The guy didn’t need to. He was just a wealthy businessman, and I guess, in a way, I was kind of his sugar baby. If sugar baby meant getting rained by him, of course.

Monday came along, and I walked in, and I saw Aaron at his desk. He waved at me, and I saw a smile for a second.

“Have a good weekend there, McKenzie,” he said.

“Yes, I did,” I said with a stiff tone. What was his game? What was he trying to do? Was he trying to get some reaction out of me?

But then, he went back to his desk. “Very good. I’d like for you to get the rest of the files in the R and P sections done this week. Those are two big sections, and if we get those done, it’ll take a lot of stress off the current billing and coding.”

Same old stoic temper to him. It was like that little moment we shared at his mansion was a figment of my imagination.

“I see. Will do, sir,” I told him. He looked back down at his desk, a sign that it was time for me to get to work. I raced over to my desk and started working on the billing and coding. I prayed that he wouldn’t ask me for anything else.

But knowing Aaron, I was sure that he would.

However, he didn’t say anything over the next few days. It was like he cut off all the sweetness I saw the other day.

I didn’t know what to do or say at this point. Other than just letting it go and hoping that maybe he’d get his head out of his ass, one way or another.

I still didn’t know.

I was torn. There was a lot that I still didn’t understand about him, and despite our pasts, he still acted like I didn’t exist half of the time.

I was so confused about the vibes that he gave off that it bothered me a little since it was clear that there was some tension there, but the guy refused to show an inkling of vulnerability, at least not at the office.

Friday rolled around, and still, our relationship was stringent at best. He still didn’t say much, and I assumed it was due to our long week at the office. Then, as I was getting ready to leave, I noticed a text on my phone.

It was from Aaron.

I thought about ignoring it. The guy seemed to ignore me every other time. But that little part of me that clamored for his touch opened it, and I read the contents.

Meet me at the parking garage tomorrow morning at 9 am. I’ve got a surprise for you.

Should I go? I expected that it was just some sort of weird ploy from him. But that hunger lurked inside of me. That desire for him and that need for him.

I wanted to ignore it, but I couldn’t.