He understood.

Chapter 8: Aaron

MyarmswrappedaroundMcKenzie, holding her tightly there. She cried in my arms, and the instinct within me was to protect her. To care about her.

She was a sweet girl back when she and Emily used to play. While we didn’t talk much, I ensured they were cared for when Emily’s mom had to work. But now, after all this time and hearing all this, I understood in a strange way.

After a little bit, she pulled back, sniffling a little bit. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to cry like that.”

I touched her face. “You don’t have to apologize for crying, dear. I understand. And…you’re a beautiful adult, McKenzie. You’ve had a hard life, but you’ve done so well to make it better for yourself.”

She nodded. “Thank you, Aaron.”

I didn’t know if it was alcohol or the conversation, but McKenzie looked truly beautiful right now.

“I’m glad I got to see you again after all this time. The truth is…I wish I could be a better man. I’m trying my best, McKenzie. I really am. But, after hearing all that, you inspire me to be a better man, and I hope to be a better person to you as well,” I told her.

She nodded. “Yeah. Me too. Thank you, Aaron. Not just for taking care of me back then but also for listening to me now. I’ve never had a chance to tell anyone this, so getting it off my chest feels nice. Guess you’re really not all that bad.”

“Well, don’t go jumping to conclusions,” I chided.

We both laughed, and I looked into her eyes. She had the most beautiful green eyes. They looked like two beautiful emeralds. I leaned in, and then, a moment later, I softly pressed my lips to hers. We stayed like this for a good minute, kissing chastely.

Then, I pulled her up. “Follow me,” I purred.

We moved over to the bearskin rug that sat on the floor. I laid her down there, touching her soft face.

She leaned into the touch. “Thank you, Aaron. You don’t understand how refreshing it is to finally say something like this.”

“Oh, I’m glad, too,” I replied.

I leaned in and captured her lips. Our kiss deep end, and we stayed like this for a good moment or so. I wanted her. I craved her, and I needed her.

I pushed my tongue against the entrance of her mouth. She gasped and then opened her mouth slightly. Our tongues danced against one another, the passion igniting between us.

I wanted her. I needed her. I reached over to her hair and touched it slightly. She gasped and moaned, and I could hear the raw desire that came out of her mouth.

The moans did something to me. They filled me with a raw need and a desire to pull her close, to protect her from whatever would happen next.

I moved my body so that McKenzie sat below me. I reached out and cupped her chin, looking her dead in the eyes.

“You look so cute right now,” I told her.

“Thank you,” she said.

I looked at her and then pushed my lips to hers. For a second, I just wanted to freeze time, hoping to have her here forever. But then, my lips descended as I kissed the sides of her neck.

She gasped, moving a bit so I could have more direct access to her neck. I pushed my tongue there and moved it up the sides. She held me there as I continued to push myself against her harder and harder.

I wanted her. I needed her. And I craved her.

I started to push my hands toward her shirt. I grabbed it and pulled it off of her. She gasped at the sudden force, but I refused to stop. I needed to indulge in every touch that I could possibly get from her.

I moved my hands towards her breasts, caressing them slightly. As I pushed my tongue into her mouth, my hands moved and massaged her breasts, aching for her. She moaned against me, and it was when I knew I couldn’t get enough.

McKenzie was like a drug, and I was addicted to every touch that graced her body. I wanted her, and I needed her. But, this time, I didn’t think I could hold back.

My lips grazed downwards toward the tip of her bra, kissing the edges like they were a succulent fruit. She gasped in surprise, and I watched with delight as her back arched in response.