She turned away, and then she sighed. “Okay. Well…I liked it. I really liked what we did that night. After we parted ways I... I thought about it a lot. And well, it was…nice. I liked it a lot.”

That took me by surprise. I thought she was going to tell HR or something, even though the little shit instigated it.

“I see.”

“So, yeah. I just wanted to say that I enjoyed it. I’m not sure if you did, but….”

I took her hand and squeezed it. “I enjoyed it very much. In fact, McKenzie, if you wanted to, we could…do it again if you’d like.”

McKenzie shivered as I uttered those words into her ear. Oh, how fun it was seeing her come undone like this.

“But…where?” she asked.

I pulled back and grabbed my phone. “My place.”

I sent her the address, and she looked at it.

“This is all the way in Riverside Park,” she said.

“I know. It’s where I live,” I explained.

“I see. Well, I’ll be there. But when?”

“Friday work? Or do you have a little date or something?”

She blushed, but then she shook her head. “I don’t have any plans.”

“Good. Then that settles it. Let’s do it,” I told her.

We agreed to meet up this Friday.

But, of course, I could see the hesitation on her face. McKenzie wanted this, and frankly, so did I.

I wanted her to come over, spend her days with me, and watch her come apart. A sense of thrill came along with this, and I wanted to savor every minute and watch her do the same.

Chapter 7: McKenzie

Whentheword“Yes”dripped from my lips, I knew my fate had been sealed. I wanted to spend more time with Aaron, even though I didn’t know if the guy liked me.

But there was some…strange feeling I couldn’t shake off. Aaron was a coldhearted man, sure, but I could sense that there was something more there underneath.

I wanted to find out.

I was not sure why I was so insistent upon doing so, but it plagued my mind.

When Friday came around, I made my way over to the elevator, but then Aaron got inside. When the door closed, he turned to me.

“Meet me in the D-park garage,” he said without emotion.

“But I thought you wanted me to meet at your place?” I said. He texted me the address and everything.

I looked into Aaron’s dark eyes, and he smirked.

“I changed my mind. Besides, it saves you money, too, right? So, just use this, park there, and I’ll be there in about five minutes,” he explained.

He handed me a parking pass, and when we got to the bottom floor, his expression changed again. That little hint of desire was replaced with a frown. He was the same as before.

I watched him get out, and when the elevator doors closed on me, taking me to the B floor where my car was, I mulled over what he said.