She nodded. “I’m surprised. You’re a billionaire, and yet here you are, taking care of cows like it’s nothing. I thought that maybe . . . you’d just sit on your ass or something.”

God, Tina had billionaires pegged all wrong.

I laughed, holding the water tightly. “Unlike some of those armchair billionaires, I’ve always made sure that I was out doing something. My father he . . . he instilled in us at a very young age that hard work is worth it and that if you want a good life, you have to work hard and don’t rely on others. This farm is self-sufficient, and unlike David, I learned that lesson at a young age. I’ve been doing the farming things for years, and this is but one of the many ventures I have out here.”

I had the land; I just made sure to use it.

She nodded. “What else do you do out here, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Oh, I don’t mind at all! I do some dairy farming, but I’ve also got some sheep that I shear, alpacas, and some vegetable and wheat farming. The estate that you’ve seen is only a small part of the entire property. Father gave this to me because he knew that out of all the brothers, I’d take care of it the most. The guy made his money in two areas: stocks and farming. I took the farming, and Glenn handled the stocks,” I explained.

“Wow, that’s impressive.”

“Of course. Glenn’s a good man. Hates the rural life, but a damn good man.”

I respected Glenn for everything he did. He took care of a part of the estate that others wouldn’t dare touch. So I told her a little more about it, and Tina listened.

“That’s so cool. I admire that a lot about Glenn, so . . . thanks for telling me,” she said.

“Hey, no problem. I’m glad that you enjoy all of my dumb little stories.”

I could tell she was impressed, even if it was a little bit. After that, she talked to me for a lot longer, and we spent hours discussing the business.

Then, when she looked at her watch, she stopped. “Shit! I have to get back to the office.”

“Hey, I’ll pay for your time. You’ve done a lot for me,” I admitted.

The blush on her face was too darn cute.

“Thanks, Caleb. I’m sorry for keeping you so late,” she said.

“Hey, it’s been a pleasure. I’ll drive you back.”

When we started to head on back, she got out, grabbed her bag, and said goodbye. As she left, I watched her hips move, and I knew from the way she stuck around that she was having a damn good time.

A part of me wanted to freeze time and spend as much as possible with her. I wanted to spend all my days with her and enjoy it. But I kind of wondered what she thought about me.

Tina was different, and when I looked at her, I didn’t see David’s ex, but instead, a beautiful woman.

Chapter 6: Tina

Icouldn’tbelieveIspent over three hours at Caleb’s place, talking about animals and having fantastic conversations.

He was . . . not what I expected. I thought he’d be a total dick, but he’s not. And he had a whole ass farm, too! So I wanted to spend more time over there with him.

The next day, I called him, and after two rings, he spoke.

“Hey there, Tina,” he said.

“Hey! So, I wanted to ask you if you wanted me to come in and check up on the cows on top of the stuff with Blaze.”

“Sure thing. And if you could add some more time, that’d be great. I’m about to start fattening them up, and I want to make sure that every cow is nice and healthy.

I agreed to it, mainly because Caleb was a great client, but also, I kind of liked him. Maybe it was the time we spent together talking about some of the different cows, but he wasn’t that bad to be around, either.

I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t like the time that we’d shared.

Blaze was soon able to move around, but then, his cows needed some medical attention. He wanted to make sure they were ready for sale and that their meat was of the highest quality. Seeing how Caleb took care of the cows was different from the guy that I expected.