Chapter 4: Caleb

Isawmyphonelight up and a text from Tina saying thanks for the money. I told her it was no problem and that I’d look forward to seeing her the next time.

Tina was super sweet and down-to-earth, and when I watched her take care of the animals, I knew that underneath the sassy exterior, she had a wonderful heart.

I felt my heart light up whenever I saw her like this. She was different from the other ladies in town.

I knew David had some past history with her, and he warned me, and yet, I couldn’t stay away.

The visits became a weekly situation. Blaze was doing better, but occasionally the guy would relapse, and that’d require Tina and me to check on him, run tests, and analyze his vitals. Blaze’s recovery was slow, but that also meant I got to spend more time with Tina, and that made up for it and then some.

Tina looked after Blaze like he was her kid or something. The horse was super sweet, and he loved Tina. I’d never seen a horse enjoy someone like this.

After it nuzzled her a third time, and she pulled back, she laughed. “Come now. You don’t have to be that excited.”

I laughed, sitting on the hay bale we kept inside the examination room. “I think he’s taken a liking to you.”

“No way, I’m just his doctor.”

“Yeah, but you’ve got the magic touch. I’ve never seen Blaze act so sweet.”

That did surprise me. Blaze was always friendly to me but rarely got along with others. But Tina changed him. He was super nice and sweet, and he seemed to care so much about her. I honestly . . . loved it.

Having someone who cared about my horse as much as I did was refreshing. Granted, it was for a paycheck, but when Tina looked at Blaze, she seemed happy with the results, and there was a care that sat there.

We started spending more time together. At first, it was because of Blaze, but after Blaze began to do better and, after two months of being in a cast, he could walk, I asked her to help with the other animals.

“Hey, since you’ve done such a great job with Blaze, could you possibly help with the other animals?”

“You have others?”

I nodded, smiling. “My dad used to have Sariyah take care of them in the next town over, but she’s been booked up for months. So, I figured . . . you could come to check on the cattle.”

Tina looked at me with abject surprise. “Wait, you have cattle? And you didn’t ask me beforehand?”

“Yeah, I do. I just figured that you’d be busy with Blaze, so I never bothered to ask. But I do. Come with me,” I said.

We’d been doing this whole weekly checkup thing for about two months. Normally, I’d dismiss the veterinarian as soon as they got better, but when I was around Tina, I felt the urge to keep her here and show her a bit more of the farm.

We went to the fork in the road, and I got one of the four-wheelers we had out.

“Come on, sit behind me,” I said.

Tina hesitated, and I laughed.

“Not making it weird or anything. I just want to go see them,” I said.

With a sigh, she got on the four-wheeler, putting her bag in the basket. She rested her hands against my waist, and I turned to her, winking.

“Now, let’s go see them,” I said.

We drove down to the other side of the property, where the farm was. A series of troughs decorated my right, and an electric fence where I kept the cows resided near that. A couple of the cows were out, but most of them were inside.

When we stopped, she got off, stepping forward and looking around the place. “Woah! This is insane.”

“Like it? This is my baby. My father gave this one to me. It’s a cattle farm.”

She looked at the cows all around, nodding. “I didn’t know.”