He nodded.

“What do you mean?”

He took a deep breath, his eyes roaming around.

I slammed my fist on the table, looking at him. “Tell me! I’m willing to listen. If there are problems that you’re dealing with, I can always help and—”

“It’s not that, Tina! It’s . . . it’s about the relationship that we have. I think for right now, I’d like to have Sariyah come here and check on the animals,” he explained.

What the—he didn’t want me around?

I trembled, holding onto the desk and looking at him. “What do you mean? I thought you wanted me to take care of them because of my skills and—”

“Well, right now, I’d just prefer Sariyah, and your clinic is growing. You should handle those animals. Don’t worry about me,” he said.

“Then what about me coming over? Do you still . . . want that?” I asked.

He didn’t say a word. That told me everything that I needed to know.

“I see. So that’s how you view me. I’ll be going then, and you can, I guess, when you’re ready, talk things out like an adult,” I said to him.

I didn’t look back. I refused to look back. I marched out of there, slamming the door behind me, trying to quell the anger that made me shake at the reaction to what I had heard.

Caleb didn’t want anything to do with me. I was nothing more than a means to an end. He didn’t . . . want me at all. I thought he was different, and now I was stuck with this life and the revelation that I had given my virginity to a guy like him.

I went back to the car, gripping the steering wheel as I cried.

It isn’t that I was fired that bothered me. Money wasn’t as much of an option these days, thanks to Caleb and word of mouth.

No, what upset me was the relationship that we shared. He didn’t want anything to do with me, and that hurt.

Is that why he acted so strangely? He’d been acting weird since those two guys in suits showed up. I deduced that one of them was his dad, but I don’t know who the other was.

Was there a business scandal that happened? Did the company go under, and he didn’t want to tell me that? The fact that he refused to give me answers pissed me off to no end.

“Ugh, why do you have to be so damn cryptic,” I muttered to myself, trying to quell those aching thoughts that rampaged through me.

I didn’t understand, and he didn’t make it any easier for me, either. I was pissed as all hell, and the only thing I could do was move on with my life.

That was what I did. Two could play at that game if he didn’t want to talk. The hours turned into days, and the days slowly turned into weeks. So, for about six weeks, I was on my own.

It was like old times. When I focused on my work and didn’t care about what others did. Well, in this case, it was not caring about what some rich bastards did with themselves.

But, as I tried to ignore the feelings within, they only worsened. It pissed me off that Caleb acted that way and tossed me to the side like I was nothing.

Was that how he viewed me? Or was it just because of his job or something? Either way, I was on my own for the next few weeks.

I guess that was for the best, though. For the next couple of weeks, I focused on my other clients, who came in based on word of mouth from Caleb’s situation. Some of them had animals of all kinds, including goats and sheep.

I also cared for someone’s ox that ended up having some kind of heart condition that the owner didn’t know about, which was fun. Though, the whole time, I thought about Caleb, wondering what he was doing.

Was he happy with me? Or was he upset that I did something wrong? There were so many questions, and right now, every attempt at talking to him had ended up being nothing more. I didn’t know what to do anymore or what to say.

However, I persevered. But I noticed after three weeks of this I was more tired than usual. Even just daily checkups had me practically falling asleep. When I returned to the office, I wanted to nap the second I entered.

Rebecca glanced at me and said, “Hey, you doing okay?”

“Yeah, I’m alright.”