Hearing Caleb talking about his brother like this, revealing the truth in such a transparent manner, was . . . relieving.
“Well, I’m glad that I’m not the only one who dislikes the guy.”
“Oh, trust me, the feeling is mutual there, Tina.”
Talking to him felt super refreshing. Maybe that was why Caleb and I got along so well. But, instead of being from two different worlds like David and me, Caleb was . . . different, like he understood what was going on and wanted what was best for everyone.
We spent more time together, where Caleb bore all, telling me all about how David screwed them both over. He told me stories about how David would skimp out on work, other stories about how David would pick on him, and how Glenn hated him.
“Oh, most of us hate him. Glenn refuses to speak to him, which is why we brushed him fucking off to Aruba,” I said.
“I don’t blame you,” I replied.
Over the next couple of weeks, he’d tell me story after story, and each time, I’d listen. Caleb believed in hard work and dedication. The guy didn’t fuck around like David did.
He was his own person, and that’s something I admired more than I expected.
After a little bit, and as the cows got ready to be sold, I sat down with Caleb and talked about life. He then stood up, looked around, and grabbed something from his desk.
“What are you doing?” I inquired.
He suddenly grinned. “I got this the other day. Thought maybe you’d like to go.”
Over the last couple of weeks, we’d been getting pretty close. But I never thought he’d make any moves. Caleb was a gentleman, totally friendly, and after I refused a date from him for the third time, he just about gave up. But then he placed something on my lap.
I looked it over, reading the contents. “It’s a . . . barn dance?”
“Yeah, you ever been to one of these?”
I shook my head. “Nope. I’ve always wanted to go, but . . . never had a date.”
“Well, if you want a date, I’m looking for one,” he said, grinning.
I paused, looking to see if Caleb was fucking with me. His expression stayed serious.
“You’re not fucking with me, right?”
“I’m sure as hell not. I wanted you to come out with me,” he said.
I nodded. So, he wanted to go on a date. Well, maybe this wasn’t a date in his eyes.
“You’re sure about this?”
“I sure am,” he said.
I took the invitation and pocketed it, nodding. “Fine, let’s do it. We can go . . . together.”
The smile on his face warmed my heart. Even though I wanted to hate Caleb, when I spent time with him, learning about who he was and what he wanted, I wanted nothing more than to embrace all of this.
“Then let’s do it,” I said.
“Great! If you want to meet here, we can. Otherwise, I’ll pick you up Friday.”
We exchanged information, and Caleb agreed to pick me up from the clinic this Friday. Of course, I didn’t expect him to actually show up, but I had a good feeling about everything.
Still, when I left his place that night, there was a little flutter in my heart, and for the first time in a long time, I felt excited about a date, even though I never thought in a million years I’d be with another Branson boy ever again.
Chapter 7: Caleb