“How was that?”

She didn’t say a word; instead, she smiled placidly.

“That was amazing,” she admitted.

I kissed her, pulling back and touching her face. “That’s what I want to hear. I’m glad that . . . you enjoyed this.”

I missed Tina and felt her clench against me like that, moaning in surprise and pleasure. After all of this time, it was heaven on earth for me.

After a moment, I pulled back, looking her in the eyes.

I touched her chin, staring at her, and that’s when the words spilled from my mouth.

“I love you, Tina. I love you so much that I don’t see myself with anyone else, ever. I want to . . . share the rest of my life with you. And I promise that this next step of our lives will be an amazing one, one that we can share forever,” I said.

She looked at me, her eyes still wide from the pleasure, and I could tell she was still riding the high of her orgasm.

She touched my face, smiling. “I love you too, Caleb. Always and forever. We’ll be the best damn parents I know we can be together.”

I took her hand, holding it against my own, squeezing the soft flesh. “Yes, we’ll make this work. Together.”

I wanted to give her the best life I could, a life full of happiness and joy. She’d struggled with trusting people for so long, myself included, that I wanted to make her happy.

She was a big part of the farm and part of my life, and I wanted nothing more than . . . to share the rest of my life with her and indulge in these moments together whenever we could.

Whatever the future held for us was still up to fate to decide, but I knew for a fact that Tina was the one, and I wanted nothing more than to indulge in this moment, together with her, and forever.

Forever wasn’t too long for me. But it was only the beginning and precisely what I wanted.

Epilogue: Tina

Somesaythatconfessionsand revelations can make time stand still, but for me, it was the beginning of a new life and many beautiful things.

Three years had passed since that night at the office, and while I remembered it like it was yesterday, so many things happened during that time.

The first and most significant thing was moving in with Caleb. After he found out we were going to be parents, he pulled me to the side, insisting I move in with him.

At first, I was hesitant, but I learned shortly after that domestic life wasn’t that bad. Caleb took care of me; honestly, living in his home was almost like something out of a fairy tale.

Our lives also changed for the better in ways I couldn’t be more thankful for. Being pregnant was a massive change to my current life, yet I didn’t mind it. It was like a switch that turned on, and I learned from this that these changes were big, but when they happened, it was all okay.

“It’ll be fine! You’ve got this, babe! I’m proud of you,” Caleb said, encouraging me as I went into labor.

After five hours of hard labor, we were blessed with a beautiful girl. We named her Annette, and soon, our lives changed for the better.

Being a mother was a newfound life, and it certainly was a hard thing to balance, but with the help of Caleb, I was able to make it so that I could be a mom and still run the clinic.

Speaking of the clinic, everything started booming. Word spread to others about how I helped Caleb, and soon, people who vaguely knew of Caleb but wanted to work with me came clamoring to the office, insisting that I help them with their animals. Soon, the clinic was way too small for just the office we had, so we got a bigger property.

The clinic boomed, and I hired other people to help me with the place, including another doctor named Alexis. She was sweet and also a very caring woman to animals. She helped me with everything I needed and was a godsend when it came to taking care of some of the bigger animals.

Then, of course, our lives changed. I balanced being a parent while also running a clinic and being a vet, but Caleb also stepped up to the plate.

When I came home, I’d see him reading to Annette or feeding her some bottles. He always had a grin on his face as he pointed at her.

“She’s doing great. Having her food, and she loves spending time with me out here,” he said.

“Thank you, dear,” I said.