I hated this. I gripped the steering wheel and drove on in, but when I got there, I noticed another car there. Who was . . . that? I looked, and my face fell, seeing it the moment I approached.

It was the last person in the world I wanted to see—the biggest asshole in our entire family.

It was David, and he sat there with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. I wanted to punch the lights out of him, but I also had no clue what that son of a bitch was doing here. The only way to figure that out was to get out and find out.

I stopped the car and walked out. I saw him there, and as he grinned, I could feel the bad feeling course through my body.

I didn’t . . . I didn’t know what to think or say other than to grimace in anger and glare at this son of a bitch, trying to hold my hands back from punching his lights out.

Chapter 13: Tina

Copingwashard,andI guess that was . . . the best thing to do. So I went to the clinic, seeing the animals there, and I tried to hide my pregnancy. But there was no way I could go see Caleb right now.

Not after everything we did.

So, I focused on my work and tried my best to ignore the biting feelings within. I tried to . . . I tried to keep it together, but I looked at my phone the entire time, hoping there was some kind of response from Caleb. Even if it was a little one, it would be enough for me to feel better about myself and quell the racing thoughts.

However, that started to be easier said than done. Sariyah was in charge of the animals on his farm, and she insisted that she would make sure that they were all taken care of, but about a week after the fact, I got a call from her.

I was finishing up with a couple of chickens and some cows from another couple in the area. Their chickens were having a weird allergic reaction, which we deduced was from the feed. After I was done, I went to their bathroom and threw up again.

The exhaustion ate away at me like a festering wound, but I could not let this get in the way. I was the only doctor in town, so I had to keep it together, even if there was a part of me that wanted to just give up and die.

As I finished with the cows, giving them the bill and the payment info, my phone lit up. It was Sariyah.

“What the hell could she want?” Sariyah already agreed to see Caleb’s animals for me because of what happened, but I picked up anyway.

“Hey, Sariyah, how are things?”

“Oh, they’re good. Say, I have a small problem. My car broke down, and I can’t make it out to you guys. I was supposed to see Caleb’s animals today, but I don’t think that’ll be possible,” she said.

Shit. Of course, she was roping me into her bullshit.

“Isn’t there anyone else you could get to look at them? I’m a bit busy today, and—”

“No, there’s nobody else. You have to go out there. I thought about my assistant maybe, but she’s taking care of the workload that I have here. Please, I know that you’re trying to avoid Caleb, but it’s important that you make sure that you see them.”

That’s right. I couldn’t just leave them hanging.

“All right, fine, I’ll do it,” I muttered.

“Thank you so much! I promise I’ll make it up to you. I can go see one of your clients next week. I just need to figure out my car situation.”

“It’s fine. Take your time,” I lied.

She hung up, and I sighed. I didn’t want to go over there. Not just because my day was already swamped, but also because I didn’t want to see Caleb.

Especially not after the pregnancy reveal. But I couldn’t just leave these animals hanging.

I sighed, trying to figure out what to do. I could just cancel and say that I’d be coming later, but I’d also have to get Sariyah’s agreement. Or I could go pick her up, but that’d be way out of my way.

I sighed, realizing my options were few and far between. I had to go see him. I called Rebecca, saying that I’d be back at the office around four or so.

“Alright, keep me posted. There were a couple of people with animals who were looking to have you check up on them, but I can fit them in another slot.”


I drove over there, and the entire time, my body tensed just thinking about this. When I got there, I looked at the parking area.