“Oh yes! Sorry about that. I just didn’t expect you to get here so fast. Come on in.”

“Thank you.”

The doors opened, and I drove inside. My heart fluttered coming back to this place. But I didn’t see David’s car. Maybe he moved out or something.

Good, because the last thing I wanted was to see that asshole again. I cut him off ages ago for that reason.

When I pulled up, the door opened, and I noticed a figure standing near the entrance. I parked in the guest parking spot, aptly marked as such, and took a deep breath as I sat in the seat.

I was the town’s large animal veterinarian. I had to do this. People praised me to the high heavens for the work that I did. So what if this was the same location as one of the shittiest exes I’d ever had? That didn’t mean David would be there. I wanted to leave, though.

Could I get out of here? I could pretend that I had another animal appointment and leave. But I knew that’d bite me in the ass at some point. People knew me as one of the most responsible veterinarians in the area. I was the only one that most places trusted to help their animals in need.

There was no way in hell I could leave them. I opened the door, assessing the surrounding area, knowing there wasn’t much else.

I guess this was it. This would be where I would have to go to get the patient and give him the treatment.

I walked toward the doorway, expecting David to jump out. I could just deal with this situation and then forget all about it. I was here for the animal, after all.

But when I walked up, I noticed no sign of David whatsoever. A feeling of relief coursed through me, but it was soon replaced by something else.

A feeling of dread. That was because right in front of me was a guy I thought I’d never see again.

It was Caleb. David’s brother and the oldest brother.

When I stopped in front of him, I took in the sight. I always thought Caleb was attractive, but there was no way in hell I’d ever make a move on him. He was the brother of my ex. Probably the same douchebag I dated back in the day.

I learned from my mistake the last time.

However, as soon as we stared at one another, I got lost in his blue eyes, totally at the mercy of his stares. And when I looked back, I realized even I struggled with holding back that little desire that flooded in.

Chapter 2: Caleb

Iknewshelookedfamiliar! But I did not expect my brother’s ex-girlfriend to be the veterinarian who would come in here to help my horse, Blaze.

However, when she came up, her brown ponytail bouncing with every single step, I felt tongue-tied and stuck in place when I looked at her. She was super cute! And yet . . . I was already entranced by her, even though I barely knew her.

David told me that his ex was a piece of trash and to avoid her. I thought he meant one of the girls in town, not this cutie.

She walked forward, looking at me as she stopped in front of me. “Hi there, I’m here to see your horse.”

“Well, hello to you, too. I didn’t know they had veterinarians in town who were this cute,” I said.

She rolled her eyes. “Flattering, but I have a job to do. Please show me to them.”

Cuts the crap and was a cutie. Wow, I was a winner. I motioned for her to follow me over to the barn. Her eyes looked around at the place.

“So, I didn’t know there was another person living here,” she started.

“Besides David? Yeah, he moved out a couple of years ago. He said he was getting married to some girl in Aruba,” I said.

I remember when David brought it up. Dad was pissed, of course, but I thought it was admirable. The guy chased after what he wanted.

I didn’t know that he cheated on that woman in Rainsville until after the fact, but damn, even my brother makes foolish mistakes.

She tensed at those words. I thought I had struck a nerve. Maybe she didn’t want to talk about David.

“I see.”