I nodded and scraped the chair back into place. “This won’t take that long,” I said and went over to where she was standing.

I tried to ignore the little step back she took to keep her distance but couldn’t deny the way it cut me. Somewhere I didn’t used to allow people to venture. I suddenly hated myself for letting her burrow her way into it. I was doing so well keeping myself and Leo protected from all that relationship drama.

“What’s gotten into you?” I asked, cutting right to the chase.

She rolled her eyes. “Luca, we’re at work. You need to stop following me around and demanding I talk to you about—”

“I’ll stop following you if you answer my question,” I interrupted. “Everything was fine the last time I saw you. Except for…” I made a puking action with my hand.

“And everything’s still fine,” Scarlett said, a wide smile plastered on her face.

But it was fake. The smile, her fine, all of it.

“Scarlett, you’re avoiding me, and I want to know why,” I demanded, digging my hands into my pockets. “I’m going to stand right here until you tell me.”

“Then stand there,” she said, throwing up her hands in frustration as she went back to getting the projector ready. “I’ll just have the meeting around you. I’m sure the others won’t mind. They’re used to ignoring you, anyway.”


“No, Luca.” She rounded on me, her green eyes blazing. “I’m not some puppet waiting around for you to pull my strings and make me dance whenever you’re ready to take to the dance floor.”

I frowned at her. “Dance?”

“It’s a metaphor,” she snapped. “Forget it, okay? Just leave me alone, and let me get back to work.”

I swallowed back all my frustrations with her. She was right; it wasn’t the time or place to get into it. Especially not if things were to get heated—which there was a real chance of happening given her current mood—and then having her team walk in on it.

“I’m not going to fight you anymore,” I said and turned to leave.

“Finally! You get the message,” Scarlett called after me, making me pause in the doorway.

Our eyes met, and for a split second I thought I saw a shadow of remorse cloud her features. But it was gone before I could get a good look. Remorse for what? She seemed to be getting exactly what she wanted from me.

“You win,” I said and left her alone.


Madame Laurianne’s was quiet, the way it usually was during lunch. I hadn’t been to the club in a while—since meeting Scarlett again, actually—but the recognition on the hostess’ face was instant.

“Mr. Moretti, so good to see you again.” Coco slung my coat over her arm and started walking me in to the main floor. “Your usual booth today?”

“To start, yes,” I replied, scanning the potential around us. I was on a mission to prove something to myself, but at the same time, I had to be careful not to give that away to anyone there.

There were two beautiful women dancing on stage, and although not many of the booths were occupied, four others were milling about on the floor. One booth had requested a private visit, and the businessman was enjoying the undivided attention.

I made eye contact with a busty blonde to the left of the stage, and she winked at me. I felt like I should know her face but was drawing a blank.

“Would you like to see the menu, or shall I just tell Jasper you’ve arrived?” Coco asked.

“The usual is fine,” I said, not taking my eyes off the blonde. Then I nodded in her direction and added, “Bring her to me.”

Coco glanced over her shoulder and jerked her head. The subtle movement drew a huge smile from the blonde, who strutted toward us in her five-inch heels and silver mesh bikini.

“Her name’s Aster,” Coco leaned in and whispered to me. “She’s new. Very eager to please. I think you’ll like her.”

I nodded slowly, allowing my gaze to rake over Aster’s gorgeous figure as she approached. She was perfect—legs for days, snatched waist, and breasts I could bury myself in. Exactly what I needed. A distraction from the fiery redhead that’s burning a hole in my life.

“I’ll have them get your room ready,” Coco said with a wink and disappeared into the shadows.