I laughed softly. “It’s 8 a.m., Alf, you rebel.”

“You drive me to it, Luca.” He downed his shot in one and refilled his glass immediately. “Absorbing an entire firm in one go… It’s preposterous.”

“Preposterous.” I played with the word on my lips, repeating it slowly, emphasizing different syllables in turn.

Alfred became more annoyed with me. “I don’t know what your game plan is, but I’m the one who has to tell you to stop. That’s what you hired me for.”

“I hired you because I lost a bet on the golf course,” I joked. “You’re here to do as I say, Alf. And Chord is taking on every single staff member who got laid off at Daze. End of the story.”

He shook his head slowly, a million arguments battling in his head as he looked at me. I waited, curious to see which one he’d throw at me next.

“If it doesn’t stop with me, it’ll get blocked at Accounts,” he said. “Chord is bleeding money right now, and with the uncertainty surrounding Genesis—”

“Who’s uncertainty?” I uncrossed my legs and leaned forward, my elbows on my knees, glass twirling absently in my hand. “Genesis is going to change the face of tech as we know it. On a global scale. The stakeholders are pinching their assholes in anticipation.”

Alfred frowned at me. “Pinching their what? Luca, that’s not a—”

“It’s a thing if I say so. Because this is my company, and I decide.” I got to my feet and started pacing the length of the office in front of him. “Financially, we win. We get an experienced team who already know how to work well together, and we pay half the price we would’ve if we head-hunted them from our usual pool.”

He pursed his lips, unable to argue. Because I was right. What Alfred didn’t know was that I was prepared for every push back from every department. I knew they wouldn’t be happy with such a drastic move, but I also knew I’d shut them up by giving them the dollar bottom line. It was saving Chord money in the long run.

The last thing I needed was for them to think I was doing any of this for a woman. A twenty-five-year old, red-headed bombshell who was smart as hell and could give me a run for my money better than anyone I’d ever met. Now that would be crazy…

“Fine.” Alfred sighed, placing his glass down on the table. “I can tell you’re not going to budge on this.”

I chuckled and shook his hand as he moved past me. “Thank you.”

“Stubborn ass,” he muttered, slapping my shoulder supportively. “I’ll get the papers ready.”

A premature sense of victory washed over me, and I celebrated with another drink. There was still the call from Accounts I knew I’d be getting and several other hurdles to overcome. But the ball was rolling, and there would be no stopping it. Even if nothing ever happened between Scarlett and me ever again, at least she wouldn’t be able to call me a heartless bastard.

I laughed at myself as I sat down at my desk. “What has she done to Moretti, the cutthroat shark?”

The answer to that question whispered somewhere deep inside me. It was one I didn’t dare say out loud, not even to myself. Not just yet, anyway. So I distracted myself with the new deal for the rest of the day, taking calls and signing so many papers I thought I’d lose all feeling in my hand.

“Is there anything you need?” Angelique asked when I finally emerged from my office just after 5 p.m.

“Just my car,” I replied. “I’ll head down in the meantime.”

“Oh… you’re leaving early?” She was perplexed as she studied me, used to putting in extra hours on most days, leaving the office way past sundown.

I gave her soft smile, the exhaustion of the day creeping into my bones. “Early today, Angie. You too.”

A flush rose to her cheeks, and she dipped her head. “No, I still have to—”

“You’ve done enough,” I interrupted her. “We start again tomorrow. Please.”

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and turned to see Scarlett going up to the water cooler with Ash. They were in deep conversation, but through some fluke, Scarlett’s eyes rose to meet mine at just the right moment.

I felt each and every dagger she shot at me before turning her attention back to her new friend. Not even my plan could shield me from them. I’d gone soft, and it was a feeling I didn’t like at all. Not Luca Moretti, the city’s most eligible bachelor.

“Drive with me,” I said to Angelique suddenly.

Her eyes grew wide. “Excuse me? Oh, no, sir, that’s okay. Really. I’ll catch a cab like I usually do,” she stammered.

I held out my arm to her so she could hook in. “I insist.”

A huge smile broke onto her face as she accepted my offer, lacing her arm through mine. It felt strange, being that close to my secretary, but it was worth the look on Scarlett’s face as she watched us walk by on our way to the elevators.