Page 51 of Sext Addict

This wasn’t true, of course. But New Tessa was on a roll, and I was going with it.

“Maybe he’s coming any minute now,” I continued. “Maybe I want him to walk in and see you fucking me like you’ve never fucked any other woman.” I didn’t know I could even think those words, much less hear them come out of my mouth. All I knew was that it was causing Jamie to bite his lip and dig his nails into the sensitive skin around my wrist. New Tessa was impressive.

“Tell me more,” he growled out.

“I want him to see you on top of me on my table, your teeth around my nipple, your hands tugging at my hair, your cock driving into me.”

I bucked my hips, groaning when I felt how hard he was for me.

“I want him to see us together,” I whispered. “And I want to see him get hard at the sight of it.”

Jamie’s resolve broke. With a savage growl, he dug his fingers into the flesh of my thighs and picked me up. His lips devoured mine greedily as I wrapped my legs around his waist and ran my fingers through the soft red hair at the nape of his neck.

Jamie’s lips moved their way down my jaw, then down my throat to nip at my collarbone. My head fell back and a loud moan escaped my lips when Jamie’s tongue found its way to my exposed breast. Mynipples were hard; they had been hard since Jamie came out of his apartment breathless with hunger in his dark green eyes. He swirled his hot tongue in circles again around the sensitive bud and Ihad to clamp my hand over my mouth to muffle the loud, eager sounds pouring out.

But Jamie removed a hand from one thigh, holding me with just a single, strong arm, and used that freed hand to pull mine from my mouth.

“I want to hear you,” he said, voice rough like he’d just finished athree-hourrock concert in somesmoke-filledbar.

He tested my reaction when he scraped his teeth over the hard peak of my nipple. Iwhimpered, arms shaking as I clung to his bare shoulders.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

It was the smallest whisper, made even smaller as he placed me down on my table.

Chest already heaving, my arms hung to the sides and my feet dangled over the edge as Jamie stood, a mountain of a man above me, to look at me. Heat pooled in my lower stomach when he pressed his palm against his erection. But it was nothing compared to what his next words did to me.

“I’m going to rip your clothes off of you now,” he said.

I managed half a nod, my mind already hazy with desire, delirious with pleasure. Jamie bent over and his fingers looped inside my tank top. My eyes fluttered closed and my back arched off the table when I heard it rip in two. Then he ripped my shorts off me.

Beneath him wearing just my panties, I shivered in anticipation. Jamie stared at me, and let loose a string of curses, most of which I wasn’t even sure were English.Gaelic, maybe.

His hands were on the button of his jeans, but his eyes did not leave mybody as he shoved them to the floor and stepped out of them. I felt desired and I loved it. It was intoxicating, the way he looked at me like he wanted to consume me. Jamie’s cock sprang free and I barely had time to admire his considerable size before he was on top of me.

He sucked at my nipples, bit at the soft flesh around my waist, and then circled his tongue over my hip bones before burying his face in between my legs. I threw my head back when his tongue found my clit, then I scraped my nails against Jamie’s scalp as he circled around and around that bundle of nerves. His hands slid up my calves, along my thighs, and across my stomach to fondle my breasts. I gasped when he rolled each nipple between his calloused fingers. His elbows spread my legs wider and I pounded at the table because I didn’t know what else to do with my hands. I was drowning in pleasure and had no idea how to swim.

My head lolled to the side as Jamie ate me out, bringing me to the edge before easing off to leave me bucking my hips for more, more, more. I was laid out and helpless, like a sacrifice to some ancient Irish god.

A massive, muscular, tattooed god between my legs, his fingers on my hard nipples, his cock, red and hard and throbbing, leaking precum, the muscles in his back tense with desire.

Jamie’s tongue moved faster over my clit and I was mere seconds away from coming in a whimpering desperate mess when he shifted back and pulled my arms to drag me over his shoulder. He lifted me easily and spanked my ass as he carried me toward the wall.

Jamie set me down and spun me roughly to face the wall. I heard his heavy breathing along with foil crinkling as he put on a condom. Then his hands guided mine above my head, fingers splayed, palms flat, and gently spread my feet apart.

Breasts pressed against the wall, legs quivering in desire, I groaned when Jamie thrust into me, hard and fast. His fingers kneaded my ass as his breath quickened behind me. He fucked me hard, taking me, commanding me, and it dawned on me how different this was from my time with Cade.

Cade had let me set the pace, encouraged me to take control.

Jamie took over and did what he knew I wanted without me even having to ask.

I loved both ways of fucking.

Jamie reached his hand around and again found my clit, and I came when Jamie sank his teeth into my shoulder. Intense pleasure washed over me as I shuddered against the wall. Shudders racked my body, and it took what felt like eons for my breath to return.

Jamie sagged against my back, wrapping his big arms around me, and I relished being held in his strong embrace.

Chapter 13