Page 22 of Sext Addict

It was a designer tangerine crop top, which I laughed at and shoved right back into Ellis’s face. But he convinced me to try it, paired with a different designer’s high-waisted creamy accordion pleated skirt. It took a bit of wiggling and a whole lot of grunting to get into the outfit, but when I was done I liked what I saw in the mirror. Still, I’d been shy when I stepped out of my bedroom to show him, and even more shy when his eyes had seemed to heat when he’d run them over me. But in the end, he’d simply grinned victoriously at me, crossing his arms and propping his feet up on my coffee table.

“Don’t say a single word,” I pointed at him as he looked me up and down. I grabbed my purse and stalked toward the door.

“Damn, I do good work,” I heard him say as I closed the door behind me.

On the bus ride to the restaurant, I tried to settle my nerves, but I was all twisted up inside. Excited to see Cade, but also curious about the heat I’d seen in Ellis’s eyes when he’d seen me in my outfit. He was such a good friend, coming to my rescue time and time again, but sometimes I almost convinced myself there could be more than that between us if only I gathered the courage to tell him how I felt about him. That was especially true after that round of sexting we’d done together. Who knew I had it in me? And wouldn’t it be fun if we did that again and again, before moving on to the real stuff. But that was never going to happen.

By the time I got off at the stop near the restaurant, I was confused and questioning everything, including my sex study goal and even my decision to go on the date with Cade. Yes, I kept fantasizing about him. And Ellis. And even Jamie. But didn't that mean I didn’t know what I wanted?WhoI wanted?

All the more reason to do the sex study, a part of me reminded myself. You know you’re not going to have anything serious with Cade. You’ve been fantasizing about a threesome, so have a threesome. If he wants to be a part of it, let him. He’s gorgeous. Seems sweet. Be the New Tessa. Don’t back down, if only because you’d be proving Ellis right that you don’t have what it takes to do something bold for once in your life!

I was almost to the restaurant when I got a text from Ellis, and it was as if he’d sensed the dialogue I’d been having with myself.

ELLIS:You aren’t bailing are you, TessaJulietStewart?

I glared at the screen then grumbled as I typed.

TESSA:I wasn’t going to bail.


TESSA:No. I’m almost there, thank you very much.

I could see the restaurant just down the street from where I was. My phone vibrated in my hand.

ELLIS:Send a pic as proof then, thank you very much.

Sighing and clutching my fists at my side, I marched down the sidewalk toward the restaurant. I loved Ellis, but he was also the worst. The absolute worst. I clicked a quick photo and sent it to him.

TESSA:See? Proof.

ELLIS:So you’re really going to do this?

I hesitated. It was like he couldn’t make up his mind whether to support me in my goal or not. I had plenty of reservations, and if Ellis did, too…

TESSA:I think I need to do it.


I bit my lip when he didn’t immediately respond.

ELLIS:Then do it.You’re a super hottie, Tess. Just have fun, okay?

Pleasure washed through me at Ellis’ s words. He believed in me. I needed to believe in myself!

TESSA:Thank you. Love you.

I really do love you, Ellis. More than you’ll ever know.

ELLIS:Love you too.

With a sigh, I headed to the front door.Through it, I could see the patio bustling with activity under strings of delicate, colorful lights that swung in the ocean breeze.

I went around the side of the restaurant to check my makeup one more time in my cell phone screen reflection. Tall, dark shrubs lined the side of the building, and I walked along them before looking up to see Cade sitting at the patio right in front of me. Thank God he had his gorgeous, strong, muscular, wide-shouldered back to me because I nearly yelped in surprise and ducked between two shrubs. The branches tugged at my hair that I’d spent nearly an hour in my cramped, hot bathroom to get into half-way adequate curls.

“Agh,” I grumbled, swatting at the branches.

Ducking my head back out, I spied on Cade from the relative safety of my stalker hideout: a good start to any first date, of course. I’d only ever seen Cade in shorts and loose fitting tank tops at the gym, so it was even more of a shock to see him in a fitted linen suit. His long sandy blond hair, normally thrown effortlessly and still somehow perfectly into a bun on the top of his head, was now neatly combed back. I watched as he drummed his fingers to the lively traditional Spanish music as he stared out over the beach and the start of the sunset.