Page 85 of Sext Addict

I wasn’t even sure Tessa heard me, my voice was softer even than a whisper. For some reason I feared speaking too loudly, as if this moment needed no words, as if words could not communicate what our bodies already spoke to one another.

Tessa flinched a little when I placed the head of the stethoscope just above her breast, the tight mound quivering under each rise and fall of her shuddering breath. My fingers fumbled slightly as I placed the ear pieces into place, one on each side. The sound of her accelerated heart rate made my own heart leap in my chest.

No words were spoken as Tessa’s eyes held mine and mine held hers. We weren’t even touching, my fingers kept away from her warm skin by the cold metal of the stethoscope. But I think we both knew in that moment that we had never been closer…and at the same time that we were fated to grow closer still.

We had admitted our feelings to one another, after all these years. We overcame fear and doubt. I thought Tessa was the one who was afraid. But it had been me the whole time. I thought my time as an actor ended when I stepped off the studio lot each and every night. But it was obvious to me then that my day job continued when it came to my confidence, my carefree attitude, my attempts at being bold. And after all of these years, it was Tessa who made me brave, not the other way around.

Her eyes, soft in the dim light, watched me as I listened to her heart beating and beating faster still. She didn’t look away and I didn’t dare look away either. I never wanted to look away.

“Well, doctor?” Jamie asked, laying a hand on my shoulder.

Cade’s hand moved to rest on the one opposite as he said, “What do you suppose the prognosis is?”

I smiled as I continued to look at Tessa.

A smile came to her lips. “It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Tessa answered the question. “I’ve taken a long, long fall, and there is no hope for me. Isn’t that right, doctor?”

Trying to keep my exhale somewhat steady, I nodded. “No hope at all, I’m afraid. Once you fall in love, there’s no going back.”

She grinned and reached forward to kiss me. As she pulled Cade and Jamie to the bed with a hand on each of their wrists, she urged me closer and I went eagerly.

My Tessa.



Cade’s scrubs lay torn into fifteen pieces on the floor, half of Jamie’s fake glasses were next to our toes, half were sticking out from beneath my pillow, and Ellis’s stethoscope was now around my neck.

It was the only thing I had on.

Jamie’s soft breath rose and fell evenly across my stomach as he slept cuddled up close to me, big arms wrapped around my thigh. Behind him, Ellis sighed softly in his sleep, one hand tossed over his head and the other draped over Jamie’s naked body, fingers intertwined with mine. On the other side of me, Cade lay on his stomach, his perfect ass on full, delicious display. His hand was cupping my breast, and I could feel the warmth of his palm like one of those soothing hot stones he used in his therapeutic massages to help me destress.

It was a beautiful sight: all of them close to me.

As they slept, I stared at my phone, still and silent on top of my dresser. My fingers combed slowly through Cade’s hair as I remained there in bed, waiting.

Today was the day I was supposed to get a call about the audition. I was sure my men had planned this little play date to help distract me. I was grateful, of course. And we were going to play doctor again sometimeverysoon. But the truth was, I felt entirely at peace with whatever happened. I’d get the role or not. Either way, I was happy. Happy with my men, with my career, with my life.

No, notmylife.


The phone rang.


Three years later


I glanced at the clock on the wall but found it hard to read as a hot tongue moved higher and higher up my thigh. “Jamie,” I moaned as he nipped at the sensitive skin just below my pussy. “We’re going to be late.”

From my spot standing next to the makeup laden counter in my room, I looked down to see Jamie’s head, covered by the skirt of my dress. I tried to push him away, but when his tongue flicked over my clit, my efforts grew noticeably weaker.

I sighed as I turned and leaned heavily against the wall. My eyes fluttered closed as Jamie’s nails dug into my thighs and his tongue made me wet enough to risk ruining my dress. I couldn’t find the will to care all that much as my hands reached for something to hold onto. I yelped when I accidentally knocked a frame off the wall and heard it clatter to the floor.

“What happened?” Cade, who like Jamie was also dressed in a tuxedo, ran into the room, his hand holding a law book thicker than the stack of takeout flyers I used to keep in that old apartment of mine.