Page 82 of Sext Addict


I watched Tessa run back up the stairs until she disappeared behind the door, and then turned to look at first Jamie and then Cade.

I was no stranger to sex foursomes. Hell, a foursome was just another Tuesday night to me, some weeks. When it came down to hot bodies writhing together in a bed or pool or first class flight cabin, the more the merrier. But this was different, what I had now.

Those people were faces blurred by alcohol and weed and late night hours. They were there and then they were gone. There was no risk, no risk at all.

Thiswas all risk.

Sex was easy. Trust was hard. The more we put into our relationship with one another, the more time, the more emotion, the more vulnerability, the more we could get hurt. It wasn’t just two hearts prone to being broken, it was four. Four hearts, four futures, four lives. I was afraid for myself. I was afraid for Tessa.

But it took mere seconds that morning for all of that fear to disappear forever in the blink of an eye.

A half-hour earlier, I’d woken up to see the note Tessa had left on the bedside table. I’d immediately understood the subtext of what she’d written: she was scared.

Cade and Jamie woke up as I stumbled out of bed.

“What’s up?” Cade asked as Jamie rubbed his eyes next to him.

“I have to go.” I tossed the note at him and hurried to tug on the nearest pair of jeans.

“Go where, lad?” Jamie grumbled sleepily.

I was pulling a white tee over my head as Cade skimmed the note.

“Tessa,” Cade said, climbing out of the bed. He handed the note over to Jamie, then scooped up his clothes. “Where are your keys?” he asked.

I stared at him. “You’re coming?” I asked.

Cade didn’t even bother to look at me as he searched the floor of Tessa’s bedroom for the keys to my Mercedes. “Of course,” he said. “She needs us.”

All of a sudden Jamie was running past me, Tessa’s note in one hand, my keys in the other. “I’ll drive,” he shouted from the hall. “You all drive like little pussies.”

I stared in confusion at Cade, who merely grinned and shook his head.

“You don’t have clothes on,” I shouted at Jaime.

“My pecker’s covered,” he called from the front door. “Now move your fucking asses.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I ran after Jamie and Cade to my car. They didn’t hesitate. They didn’t need to be asked. They didn’t even need clothes.

They would be there for Tessa.

And I loved them because of that. Everything else we would figure out along the way.

We had all the time in the world.

Chapter 21


“I feel ridiculous.”

Jamie and Ellis sat on Tessa’s bed and were clearly trying to bite back smirks as they assessed me from head to toe. I tugged at the mint green scrubs Ellis had “borrowed” from his soap opera set.

“Are you sure you’re not going to get in trouble for stealing this?” I had asked him when he handed over the folded bundle for me to try on.

“Borrowed,” he’d insisted. “And besides, have you ever even seen a soap opera? Trust me, there’s plenty of doctor costumes lying around.”