Page 15 of Sext Addict

“Hey, hey, where are you off to so quickly?” Cade ran up beside me.

I stopped, stunned. I thought he’d be stuck in that crowd of wet panties for hours. I pointed to my chest. “Me?”

He laughed. “You.”

Cade was talking to me. Cade was standing in front of me. Cade Baxter wanted to know where I was off to so quickly.

There was no good way to say,Well, very hot man who is light years out of my league and talking to me for some strange reason,I’m off to hurl.

“I, um, I’m—”


A woman hopped off a treadmill and headed toward Cade. I expected this to be my moment to escape to the bathroom. But as the woman came to a stop next to him, Cade smiled at her and held up a finger.

“Sorry,” he said, as I tried to sneak away, “just a second.”

His amber eyes found mine and a new wave of nervous nausea swept over me.

“Go out with me.”

I blinked at him.


“Go out with me.”

The tall, blonde next to Cade turned her attention to me for the first time. She didn’t say a word, but I heard it loud and clear, “Her?!”

I found myself unable to speak. I stared blankly at Cade

He raised an eyebrow.“Well?”

I somehow managed a nod. Was this a joke? But Cade’s smile after I nodded was so genuine I couldn’t help but believe it was real.

Cade Baxter had just asked me out.My moment of glory would have been way more glorious had I not so desperately needed the bathroom.

“I have to go,” I said, turning to run.

“Wait, I don’t have your number!”

“Ask Norse Viking God,” I called over my shoulder.

“Who?” Cade laughed, shouting after me.

I waved in the direction of the front desk and ran. It took dodging three screaming kids and leaping over two cords from blow dryers to reach the bathroom in time to throw up.

But when I was done, I had a smile on my face.

Chapter 5


It turns out that the internet, while chock full of everything from kittens cuddling with ducklings to porn for those with belly button lint kinks, is rather devoid on the subject of how to ask your hot yoga instructor on your first date to be involved in a sex study with you and two other guys.

After clearing my browser history to save my parents some inevitable embarrassment should I get hit the next day by a bus or choke on a crouton at some Italian restaurant or faint at the very sight of Cade going on a date withmeand hit my head on some curb, I turned to my next best resource.

TESSA:So we’ve already established you’regood at getting girls out of their panties,I texted Ellis. I'd touched base with him earlier. Told him how Cade had asked me out. His response had been rather lukewarm, but Ifigured he was still worried Iwas in over my head, and with good reason.