Kira walks with us to our private section. “I can’t stay long. I’m on the morning shift.”

“Always running around, just like when we were growing up,” Dominic teases. “Especially when it was to rescue Shirley and Pierce.”

I shake my head. “When the mafia family is more stable and sane than your own family, you should know how bad it is.”

The three of us chuckle before Kira says, “We must make a plan to have a big family lunch and get everyone to come.”

I wave her off. “I don’t want a fuss made just because I’m visiting.”

“You’re family. I’m going to make it happen,” Kira says sternly, using a very ‘mom’ voice.

She hurries off when someone calls her back to the kitchen, and Dominic orders two cappuccinos.

“So, you’re going for Staten Island.”

It wasn’t a question.

“Yes,” I smile confidently. “I’m sure I can outbid anything the other families throw our way.”

“Well, once you win, you will have to return to the West Coast and let Pierce come over because everyone here is too busy to run that operation,” he picks at the breadsticks as we speak.

“I prefer the West Coast,” I say as casually as I can. I would never admit that I prefer it because I want to be as far away from Evgenii as possible. I look out the window, my thoughts drifting.

“You okay?” Dominic touches my hand lightly.

I beam at him. “Never better.”

A Few Years Prior

I sit on the sand next to Ariana, Vittoria, and Bella. The four of us have decided to kick off my twenty-first birthday celebrations with a day of drinking cocktails on the beach before we go out later.

Ariana and Vittoria are on their fronts, tanning their backs. Ariana has fallen asleep, while Tori has her nose stuck in a book. Bella and I stare at the ocean from where we’ve laid down our towels, laughing at each other's jibes.

A shadow falls across our bodies, and I shield my eyes to look up at a handsome older man. His hair has just started to grey in areas, making him more dashing. He looks foreign and enticing, or maybe that’s the drinks talking.

“Afternoon, ladies. I was just wondering if my friends and I could join you?” he sweeps his hand behind him. We all look that way to see four friends wave at us.

We go quiet and then burst into laughter before I take over the situation. “I’m sorry, this is a private birthday party.”

His smile doesn’t fade as he nods. “Understood, we won’t push. Who is the lucky birthday girl?”

My traitorous friends all point at me and start laughing.

“Can I at least know your name? And maybe your number?” He grins. I can see he knows he is charming, which is exciting. I love a man with confidence.

“My name is Shirley, but I’m not going to give you my number.” I try not to blush. I’ve been working on maintaining composure since I started working for Alessandro, but it's so hard after a few drinks.

“Well, Shirley, I am Evgenii, and it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he holds out his hand, and I offer mine. He leans down and brushes his lips against my fingers, almost triggering a shy giggle.

“You know what?” Ariana sits up. “Why don’t you join us after all? The more, the merrier!”

I glance at her wide-eyed, but Evgenii claps his hands and waves his friends over. “Wonderful. Perhaps Miss Shirley can tell me more about herself.”

As we laze on the beach, now in a much larger group, Evgenii and I talk about each other. It’s as though we are separate from the others in our own space, and physically we’re just encroaching further and further into each other's space.

When it’s time to leave, Evgenii walks us to the parking lot, where a driver is going to pick us up. My girls seem to be putting on a united front because they conveniently walk ahead, leaving me alone with Evgenii. He’s old enough to be my dad, and the fact that he’s interested in me just drives me wild.

“I hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday,” he says quietly, standing before me.