Alessandro steps through the doors with Shirley on his arm. She looks so beautiful and so radiant that I choke up. I feel Ivan’s hand on my shoulder for support.

She’s wearing a big, puffed-out gown. The sleeves are simple and straight, but then the upper bodice is tight and bejeweled. Her breasts look like they want to escape, but I don’t mind. The gown flows down freely onto what must be a crinoline to keep it in place and spread out. She has a veil over her face, and I know it will trail behind her. Alessandro’s twins carry the ends as they walk behind her. She looks like a princess as she slowly walks up the aisle. I step down to meet them once they’re close to the front. Alessandro lifts her veil up and back over her head. I hold my hand out. Alessandro looks at me as the priest asks, “Who gives this woman?”

“I do,” he says, placing her hand in mine. He smiles. “Good luck. The woman in my family will be the death of us all. You may have noticed they always get what they want.” His voice is quiet and just for me.

I smile. “I accept the challenge.”

Alessandro moves to sit down, ushering his twins to sit with him.

Shirley beams at me, and we face each other for the ceremony. We decided to do it our way, a little non-traditional, since ours is not a traditional family.

When it gets to the vows, Shirley goes first.

“Evgenii. I promise always to love you. I promise that I will always put up with your snoring and the weird way you floss.” I chuckle as she continues, “To tolerate your lame jokes and bad days, but most of all, I promise to provide for our family and always be yours. You are not part of my world. You are my world.”

I swallow and nod, “Shirley. I wish I could say we will have the perfect relationship, but you’re really stubborn and demanding,” she snorts, “And you know what you want.” The priest is shaking his head at us, and there are giggles among the guests. “But I swear I will always protect you, love you, and try to give in to your demands at all times.”

We say the traditional vows while we exchange rings, and then the priest wraps up the ceremony and finally says what I’m waiting for. “You may now kiss your bride.”

I lean forward and kiss her deeply as everyone in the church cheers.

Outside we’re showered in rice, and everyone disperses. We go to take photos near the reception, and we have an amazing time. Shirley really outdid herself in planning a magical wedding.

I glance at the time as the sun is setting, “The DJ is due to introduce us soon. We better get going.”

We are driven over to the reception, and I help Shirley with her dress as we get out. Arianna and Helena are outside to help me, waiting to ensure everything goes well.

The ladies go ahead of us, and I lead Shirley up the stairs, “Today has been so perfect,” I say confidently.

Shirley puts a hand over mine, “Every day will be perfect while we’re together...” We stop outside the doors that have been closed to hide us from guests.

“It’s my pleasure to introduce for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Volkov,” the DJ announces, and the doors open.

It passes in a blur, and I have many favorite moments. We laugh, drink, and kiss more times than I can count. Natalia sits nearby, watching over our baby protectively so we can dance. I’m glad we chose her to watch Gabrielle tonight. She’s become an amazing aunt.

The dancing begins, and I twirl Shirley around the room, enjoying the bright smile on her face. They say you spend months planning a wedding only for it to pass in a heartbeat.

I don’t mind though. Everyone is taking photos, and I know we’ll have beautiful memories of the night to cherish.

In the early hours of the morning, everyone starts to wind down, and the DJ announces we’re leaving. Our exit song plays. It’s a sexy song about wanting to do bad things, and I have many plans like that for tonight.

We exit under another shower of rice and streamers being popped, and then after fussing over Gabrielle, we’re in the limousine on our way to the hotel we’re staying at for the night. Shirley didn’t want to be away from the baby for longer than that, and neither did I.

Shirley rests her head on my shoulder, and I stroke her hand, “I hope you’re not partied out?” I say.

“I have energy for days,” she says, laughing.

“Good, because I have ideas.” I chuckle, “Lots of ideas.”

We check into the hotel, and Shirley drags me upstairs, giggling. We pass some people in the hall and try and keep a straight face when they congratulate us on our wedding, but it’s hard.

Once in the room, I help Shirley out of the dress, and she goes to freshen up and change into something special she’s picked. I give her some time before I wonder why she’s not coming out.

I open the door and walk into the massive bathroom.

Chapter 30 - Shirley

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror of our hotel room. I have already changed into the cream-colored satin slip I chose to wear tonight. I have a matching thong on, and I examine myself closely. I’m not the woman I was when I arrived to negotiate the Staten Island deal, and I’m far from the naive teenager I was when we first met. I think I’ve filled a missing piece in myself, and I feel whole, knowing Evgenii and I have committed to each other at the highest level.