He shrieks as Aleks expertly slices off his right ear, and I nod, sighing. “So I don’t need the details. I don’t care who your target was, and I might consider letting you live to send a message. What I need to know, though, before you can possibly dance your ass out of here, is who asked you to plant that bomb?”

He swallows hard, his breathing is harsh, but I lean forward. “Who put you up to planting that fucking bomb?”

He looks haggard when he looks up. “Miguel Rossi.”

I derive two things from this, this guy is an amateur, and he’s lying.

“Miguel Rossi?” I ask. “The cousin of Don Alessandro Sorvino? The don of the Rossi family?”

He glares at me and nods, and I strike him through the face sending him and his chair to the left, tipped over. “The man whose wife works at the bistro,” I raise my voice. “Who has declared if anyone so much as looks at his wife, he’ll personally carve off their cock and serve it to the lions at the New York Zoo as an appetizer?”

I walk toward him. I realize too late that I’ve made a mistake. The chair cracked when it hit the floor. Before anyone can do anything, he has an arm free. A guard approaching him pauses in surprise, and the courier grabs his gun from the holster on his hip and puts it to his head.

“Long live Don Rossi,” he spits out before he pulls the trigger.

I close my eyes and hold my hand out. Aleks hands me a handkerchief, and I wipe the blood and brains from my face. “I need to contact the Pakhan and clean up this mess.”

I leave the room, pull out my phone, and dial Ivan’s number.

“What have you got?”

“We caught the guy who planted the bomb. He’s fingering Don Rossi,” I say.

Ivan is quiet for a moment. “Is it possible?”

I snort, “He called him Miguel Rossi. No one in this situation, who works for any of the families, would be so informal with their Don, even if they’re related.”

Ivan gives a short breath in agreement. “I want to know who hurt my sister-in-law and her cousin.”

He doesn’t mention Shirley by name, but I simply say, “I’m on it.”

“I want to know which family is behind these attacks, and I want to know like yesterday.”

He hangs up.

I am at the hospital the next day, ready to collect Shirley. I was surprised when Alessandro agreed that Shirley could stay with me while she rests as my location isn’t as widely known as the heads of the families.

I also want to work on our proposals together so we’re on the same page.

I thought Shirley would be mad, but she willingly lets me help her to my car. Arianna already dropped off her things, so I take her straight home.

Chapter 21 - Shirley

My stuff is already in my room. Natalia has packed it away for me. I don’t need a tour of the house since I’m already familiar with it, so I ask Evgenii where I can set up to work.

He has a desk in his office cleared for me, and a comfy chair is there. “I got it just for you, so you wouldn’t ache.”

He is so proud, and I give him a soft smile. I almost feel bad I’m going to break him, but I remember time and time again how he just dropped me. It was like a bombshell, and I’m not letting him get away with that.

I worked on my proposal a little in the hospital. Setting up fake figures that I want Evgenni to see, and he’ll submit his while I submit a much better offer.

I glance at him but don’t feel the satisfaction I thought I would. But I have committed to this, so I’m not backing out now.

A Few Years Prior

I carefully carry the tray of coffees into the office, smiling brightly as I see Romero at his desk. He glares at me, and I slowly set the coffee down. “Is everything okay?” My voice is quiet. I’m not feeling as confident as I did a few moments ago.

“Did you ever think to ask your boyfriend his full name?” he asks, his voice dripping with venom. “Did you think of asking him where he is from or who his family are?”