Page 59 of Gate of Chaos

“We need some of these.” He lobbed another kid like a football. Screeches of delight.

“Oh my god, put them down, what are you doing! Their parents will murder you!”

“They are not fragile, see?” He dropped them all at once into the pool. Shrieking and squealing of delight commenced.

I covered my hands with my face as the cousins all clambered at himdo it again! Do it again!

Keon told me as he passed by, “I think Akoni’s biological clock just started ticking.”

“Well, mine hasn’t!” I exclaimed.

“Not for you to say anymore. Watch my words: Akoni has baby rabies.”

“Shut up!” My voice broke.

“He’s next.” Keon sing-song’d as he sauntered towards the food.

“You better not do anything!” I shouted after him.

“Soon,” Keon called over his shoulder.

“Ack, no!”

At least Auryn seemed to be out of trouble discussing another cousin’s inhaler with one of the other cousins (his mother). So far nobody had puked yet, but with thirteen kids under the age of twelve, someone was going to barf. Sure bet. Or need stitches.

Akoni seemed to be having a blast as a living jungle gym for a herd of children.

Becka watched Akoni but did not protest him tossing her kids around. “You’re crazy, Hel.”

“Yes.” I sipped my tea.

“So they don’t—” Becka said.

Another screech as Akoni lobbed another child.

“FARTHER, UNCLE AKONI!”they cheered in unison as another one got loaded up for launch.

“No,” I said. “I mean, I wouldn’tmindif they did, but it’s not like that.”

“So do you—”

I gestured towards the bronzed god goodness. “Wouldyousay no?”

Mom winced. “I’m standing here.”

“Mom,” Becka said. “I’m not asking fordetails.”

“I think that’s detail enough,” Mom said.

“Wait, so you know how your grandkids get made and—”

“Through hope and prayer,” Emily teased. “Not dirty, dirtysex.”

“So dirty,” I told Becka. Emily and I smirked. Weknewwhat the oldest sister got up to withherhusband, and we could just leave it at sister and Hekon probably shopped in some of the same places.

“Fuck both of you.”

“Card-carrying pervert.” Emily stuck out her tongue.