Page 99 of Gate of Chaos

I flapped into the air in shock.

Dekka, still looking between me and her hand, had a bright and intense look to go along with her pointed tone. “Did you learn enough from the portal to apply anything to the Gate?”

Ohshit. This was a relay and Dekka was coming in hot with the baton. I started to talk, but it all just came out as a string of chirps and squeaks.

“Ferocious,” Petrarchyan said.

I slicked my scales and finlets down. Damnit. I flipped the box.


I meant to go into human form, but ended up in land form, probably because I hadn’t been concentrating.

Didn’t matter. Had to catch the baton.

I flicked finlets. “I can pull the power core and get a look at the insides without any risk. The difference between the Gate and portal is the portal was fully powered. The K’Dol structure topside is actually a waterwheel, and I stuck my wrench into a moving engine.”

I had no idea if that was true, but basic safety protocol was alwaysunplug it.


I arched my neck and cocked my head. Did I just…I tilted my head the other way. “Did I just speak?”

“Now you’re thinking out loud,” Akoni said with a smirk on his lips. “Look at that. You’ve figured out how to talk in at least one form.”

“Maybe she can’t speak at all in amphiptere form,” Keon said. “The structures may not be there. Has anyone bothered to check?”

“Chirp,” Auryn said.

“I think that meansno,” Akoni told Keon.

I tapped my tail against the stones. It made that chandelier shattering noise again.

“You are killing my plants.” Lemuel cast his glance at the withering, frost-bruised blossoms closest to me.

I concentrated and flipped again, this time into human form.

“She has a cold aura,” Akoni said, bringing me my dress.

Hekon gestured to me. “The Gate is even less useful than the portal. Let her go play with rocks.”

“Andif…?” Lemuel inquired, the shape of his words hanging in the air as he did not name whatever evil he was implying.

LikeifI brought down that corner of North and let in the ocean?

“Earth is not as fragile as that, and if it is, there are protocols for it. Get your head out from under your tail, Lemuel. She’s a Chaos dragon, not the Usurper Queen.” Hekon stood, straightened his shendyt, and offered A’ka his hand. “I’m done with this meeting. I have to go monitor humanity and a dragon corpse that’s actually a danger to us, not argue about a Chaos dragon that chirps like a desert rain frog. Send Helena to North, and when she gets back, make her repair the portal.”

A smile stole over Dekka’s tired face.

“Hekon,” Lemuel said to Hekon’s backside.

“I will send over what we’ve translated on Chaos dragons so far. You may find it informative,” Hekon called from the stairwell, the tinkling of bells indicating he was not stopping to continue the conversation.

The memelord had spoken.

“Ass,” Mayriel muttered. “But on that note, Lemuel, I agree with the garnet drake.”

“Because you’ve known,” Lemuel said.