Page 40 of Gate of Chaos

Dekka gave Mahon ayou can deal with thisglance before she launched herself into the air and sailed out over West towards the bay.

Mahon glared at the four of us, and Mahon in dragon form glaring at anyone was like being in a dark and very hostile evil forest. “The three of you fly behind me. Whoever is carrying Helena, just behind my left wing. When we’re on the steps, Helena, on my right, your three consorts behind you.”

Mahon launched himself off the roof, dipped down, sailed up, flapped around and hovered in the air, waiting for us.

“Which one?” Auryn whispered in my ear while I smoothed my dress and realized I was going to beastridethem with no panties. Like this. Why was I the last to realize this?!

Auryn trilled something in draconic that made Keon smirk, and Akoni snuck his head between my thighs again and gave my clit another lick. I caught myself on the railing and whimpered something pathetic aboutstop it.

“Safe word,” Auryn replied, trilling again.

“Oh, do share, what’s her safe word?” Keon asked. “I wasn’t aware therewasone.”

“Of course we have safe words. And it’s ‘slope deflection.’ Say it, Helena.” Auryn purred while Akoni did the dirty work.

“Helena!” Mahon called.

Fuck! I pushed Akoni’s head away and grabbed a handful of scales—Akoni’s—and clambered up in front of his wings. He trilled with happiness. Auryn, smugly, bade me, “Flysafe.”

Of course I’d fly safe on Akoni. What was he talking about?

Akoni launched himself into the air and took up position on Mahon’s left side, but behind him.

The flapping motion of Akoni’s wings and the molten warmth of his scales between my thighs, rubbing my pussy and clit…

He twisted his neck around to give me a one-eyed look of wickedness, then he shifted his spine slightly under me and adjusted the motion of his wingsslightly…

I bit the inside of my cheeks,hard, and clenched Akoni with my knees to try to lift my body off his undulating spine.

Didn’t work.

Mahon flapped towards West.

Auryn sailed around, dipped one wing low, and whispered as he passed, “Be a good girl.”

I fucking came. Auryn observed, his wings moving in slow, broad flaps, while I fucking orgasmed astride Akoni, who helped nothing (or everything) with very deliberate movements of his wings. I clenched my jaw against making a peep.

Akoni headed after Mahon while I twitched around each wing flap and tried to plot some revenge. But I had to not slide off him first, because I was soaking wet.

He glided just off Mahon’s left.

Right.Nowhe glided.

Everything was a post-orgasm haze of endorphins and mortification as Akoni alighted next to Mahon.

“Don’t tell methat’s going to cause a sub drop,” Auryn whispered as I crawled off Akoni, legs shaking and everything sensitive and exquisite.

“Fuck you if it does,” I whispered back, adjusting my dress and very aware of how wet everything was. Akoni pretended to twist his head around with concern, but his nostrils’ movements said he was sniffing me. Fuck, did I smell like it? We were packed in close on the steps.

“Of course, if you like.” Auryn took up a place just behind me, neck arched and head dipped to my shoulder. Keon took my right shoulder, and Akoni right between them, his neck arched and head dipped so his molten breath moved over the back of my neck and teased the small hairs there.

“I’m going to ignore all of you now.”

A’ka’s arrival with Hekon took my attention off my own skin. She was a glorious white dragon with abalone scales and fiery red finlets and flecks of red throughout her otherwise pearly coat.

The vicinity echoed with the soft tapping of dragon claws, offering approval and congratulations. You don’t get much more official than bringing your crush to the forging of a new Wyrm. The churning affection between them wrapped through my own gossamer senses, like silk tangling on silk before it drifted away, and I quivered in happiness for them. The brush of that beauty nearly made me wriggle.Somethinghad gone wonderfully, wonderfully right.

Hekon brushed his cheek along hers and they dipped their necks in a swan-like unison before A’ka took her place in the previously empty spot for Hekon’s family, and Hekon took his place on the Seat.